Thursday, January 15, 2009

In the Semiliki Wilderness, Seeking Blessing

In a few hours we will trek north within our district to a lovely
tented camp within the first gazetted game reserve in Uganda,
Semliki. We have received MANY notes of encouragement and prayer
which demonstrate that you are joining with us in turning our eyes to
the LORD. Please pray for Him to show up in unmistakable and
unexpected ways. Pray that we would have a unified sense of His
leading. Pray that we would honor and love each other well with our
words. Pray that the kids would be renewed and boosted by Bethany's
ministry to them, and that all of us would be blessed by Donovan's
care for us as we plan. We will be off-line until next Wednesday.
For the world's good and God's glory . . .