Monday, February 09, 2009

Celebrating Other Joys: Personnel

John and Loren Clark, with their toddler son Bryan, have been raising support to join us in Bundibugyo for what feels to all of us like a LONG TIME. But they and we have consistently reminded ourselves that God's time scale is not our own, and that He has all the resources He needs to finish off the pledges in a moment's notice. This weekend, He did! With one swoop of gracious generosity, a donor took them from 85% to 100% monthly pledges. We are so grateful, not just for the Clarks but for all our team. We look forward to the joy of adding this young family into our family, and we know that they will be channels in which the blessing of the Spirit will flow for the good of many hungry and hurting people. John has experience with nutrition and sustainable agriculture and a passion for holistic ministry, and Loren has the skills and heart of a nurse.

We also got the excellent news this week that the doctor/educator couple who visited us in January decided to apply as missionaries with WHM. We enjoyed their company for a week, and would love to see God open the doors to call them back to Africa. They will be joining a young woman who is also a teacher in this Spring's intake process. We are excited to see God beginning to answer the very specific list of positions we posted and asked people to pray for (that's 2 of the 5 if both are confirmed!). We still have immediate openings for a family with a focus in education to partner with the Pierces, and for interim team leaders to shepherd our team, overlapping now with us and taking overall care while we are on furlough. Lastly a youth worker, someone who counsels and advises and ministers to our CSB grads and other young people. . . .

And one more plea, just in case this reaches the right person. Luke and a number of rising seniors at RVA would love to take AP Physics in the 2009-2010 school year, but there will not be a teacher for that class at RVA this coming school year. I'd be happy to put any aspiring High School Physics teachers in touch with the school. It is a tremendous community of people dedicated to supporting missions in Africa, and the students in an AP class would be a fun group to teach.

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