Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Space for Advocacy

The sword of the cell phone came into play today, advocating for the orphaned and sick, trying to connect kids to resources, knowing I can not solve the problems. Kweyaya Paulo, a 4 year old who was born with a nearly blocked urinary system and rescued later by a blunt procedure creating a hole from his bladder through his abdominal wall. He leaks urine, continuously, in a land without pampers. He is always damp and smelly. After well over a year of trying to get him the public surgical care which is in theory available at the national referral hospital (8 admissions all ending without any substantial help, but who is counting?) I admitted defeat, and thanks to the gracious services of a hospital administrator at IHK we connected today with the only OTHER urologist in Uganda and have arranged surgical correction of his defect through Mengo hospital (Church of Uganda). It will cost about $350. Which is the per capita health expenditure for several whole villages, so this is not a sensible use of funds from the public health perspective. But even Jesus took note of certain specific suffering individuals, and this boy's mother has never given up. Pray for his surgery next week.

And for little Fathila Katusabe, another 4 year old with a dedicated mother, whose seizures and developmental delay stem from an early infection with meningitis. She needs to see an orthopedic surgeon for release of tight tendons which cause her to limp. After 3 failed attempts referring her regionally, I connected today with an Italian Orthopedic Surgeon who agreed to evaluate her next week, also in Kampala. Fathila's mother's mother died during the Ebola epidemic. I know this lady has suffered a lot, yet she remains hopeful, and thankful. Pray that the lame would walk.

Lastly, I spent time today advocating for an orphan student who would like to continue his studies. He's a good boy, with potential, and almost no supervision or resources, medium good grades but not the top of the class, not popular with the staff. I feel like he needs to get away from the influences of Bundibugyo for a couple of years, get out of the rut in which he's been pegged, and am sending him to interview for a place in the Cornerstone Leadership Academy, a Christian intensive discipleship and A level program that is academically very successful. He'll be competing with kids from all over the country for only 25 spots, so the chances are slim. Still, we have seen God going ahead and fighting the battles left and right this year, so why not hope? Pray for M.J.

Nouwen defines discipline as creating the space in which God can act. This resonates with the picture of 2 Chronicles 20: the armies held back behind the choir, stopping to first fast and pray, then arriving on the scene to find the victory already accomplished. I would like my life to look like that this year, a few phone calls and then getting out of the way, trusting these children into God's hands.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Nouwen comment ... I had student in my office today and this could be my prayer for him and his critically ill sister. We can only make the space for God to act...
