Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mt. Zion Primary School

This morning a new primary school was dedicated on the Uganda/Congo border, perched on a small hill next to the soldiers who use this vantage point to protect the border. We could see the tailing end of the Rwenzoris and the Semiliki River basin all the way across to the Blue Mountains of Congo. A spectacular spot, which we pray will also become like the real Mt. Zion, a dwelling place of God. Bishop Hannington Bahemuka, the Charismatic Episcopal church leader who also translates the Bible into Lubwisi (see two posts below), organized the effort to build a higher quality Christian primary school for orphans and other children in this remote place. He was joined by a team from International Stewards in the US, who funded the land and construction costs, but also spent the last several days running a seminar in our Community Center to train pastors in the Biblical principles of giving and stewardship. As long time friends of Hannington and partners in mission, we were invited to witness the dedication and pray for the school. About two dozen of the first pupils, in neon green school shirts and black jumpers and shorts, and led by their teacher a former Christ School student, lined up to thank and welcome the visitors/ Several hundred parents and community members clapped and worshiped on the hill top. Hannington acknowledged that this is a small and fragile project with uncertain funding, but we serve a God who surprises us with unlimited possibilities. . . . so that these children may someday be our doctors and bishops, and this hill may be the center of a university.

We have prayed for primary school education in Bundibugyo, and this may be one of our "by prayer and partnership" steps towards investing in emerging leaders.

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