Sunday, April 19, 2009

traveling mercies

In a few minutes we begin our trek to Kenya, for meetings with WHM
leadership focused on East Africa, and to take Luke back to school.
Right now thunder rumbles and thick clouds dim the early morning,
which is ominous when we are trying to pack everything under tarps in
an open pick-up bed and have to drive on muddy roads. En route
tomorrow, in Kampala, Scott will be trying to get some work done on
the vehicle to help us survive the approximately 48 round-trip on-the-
road hours (and much of it is NOT nice road). I will be trying to
strike the right balance between outrage and diplomacy as I visit
UNICEF offices and plead for another year of milk formula . . . the
supply we've been waiting for for two months as our last packets have
dwindled to nothing seems to be inexplicably unavailable. So over the
next week we face many hours of jostle and heat and car-boredom,
passive-aggressive officials, challenging accommodations, and
dangerous drivers. The inevitable good-bye to Luke will hang over us,
and be another death to pass through. We also look forward to sweet
fellowship with other WHM missionaries and old friends in Nairobi,
rest for weariness, renewal of vision. To a bit of protected family
time, and a relief from the relentlessness of Bundibugyo. Please pray
for a UNICEF change of heart, for safety on the road, for intra-
familial kindness over the journey. In short, for the mercies of God,
which sustain us here, to travel behind and before.

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