Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pray for Clearing?

There is a heavy physical cloud over Bundibugyo this morning, the kind that brings thick humid air and dim morning light, the kind that slows movement and paints the world in discouraging colors.  We could use some cloud-lifting prayers today.  Over 200 families will begin arriving for Kwejuna Project in the next hour, and it is an all-day all-out effort to interact with each, ensure that they are enrolled in preventive care, to weigh and measure and dispense, and to pray for them in small groups.  As the school term winds down into it's final two weeks, so does our summer and its plethora of extra projects and ministries, all good but also draining.  Caleb keeps reminding us that he will leave home, essentially, in less than two weeks, and Luke keeps reminding us that we are in some ways less available to him in person than by phone at RVA.  On Tuesday I found 49 patients admitted to our 23-bed ward, and yesterday I enrolled our 31rst severe acute malnutrition admission for the month (previous average 13/month).  There are heart-aches and griefs among the people we care about; there is change ahead for our team as we evaluate Christ School and its improvement.  The sheer coordination of meals and movements feels complicated; no one is getting the attention they deserve. Yesterday Scott spent most of his morning caring for a neighbor who fell out of a tree as he was trying to cut branches from it inour yard, who broke his ankle and possibly has vertebral fractures, serious injuries.  And to top it all off, there is a dead something somewhere in our walls, attic, or under an un-movable sink cabinet, so our bathroom is permeated with a putrid smell which we've failed to locate the source of.  

God's presence is pictured as a cloud.  So perhaps our prayer should not be for the cloud to lift, so much as for our vision to clarify, to expand, to realize that God is God and works in His own ways that we can not control or predict.  So please pray for us today:  for a lifting of the oppressive sense of too-much . . or for a deep faith that we are immersed in the cloud of the substance of God Himself.


  1. Praying. Mostly for the children. But also for the ministry. And for your encouragement. God bless.

  2. We are praying.

    Oswald Chambers encourages us that "Clouds are the sorrows, sufferings, or providential circumstances, within or without our personal lives, which actually seem to contradict the sovereignty of God. Yet it is through these very clouds that the Spirit of God is teaching us how to walk by faith. If there were no clouds in our lives, we would have no faith. "The clouds are the dust of his feet" (Nahum 1:3). They are a sign that God is there."

    And God is there. We will pray that He will show Himself in tangible ways today.
