Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Strong Women

Single women are the strong backbone of our team.  Yesterday four of them sat on a bench together at chapel (the 5th strong woman, Heidi,  was taking responsibility to send off our interns and drive two families back from Kampala).  On the end of the bench was Pat who had come down to the Pediatric Ward the day before to see if she could be helpful, and within a few minutes we realized one of our severely malnourished patients was dying, but the little boy's father had left to get help, so that only an 8-year old scared and crying sister remained.  So Pat spent almost the whole day holding Sunday, as I checked on him intermittently and the nurses did their best to push blood and fluids and medicines to rescue him.  She gave the gift of encircling arms, so that this little boy did not suffer alone, so that he spent his last hours on earth loved. He died that afternoon.  Next to Pat sat Kim, whose visit back to our team has been a breath of fresh air, a listening ear, a praying heart, a solid wisdom that many of us have drunk in.  Then Sarah, who sat holding hands with A., a CSB support staff who after almost 8 years of being drawn into community as a student and then staff member at CSB, made a profession of faith in March during a Bible study with Sarah.  Loving someone from a different world religion into the Kingdom of God, giving them the courage to break with family and follow Jesus, is an amazing thing.  And next to Sarah, Ashley, anchoring Julia to the end of the bench, a faithful teacher and role model, coach and friend, who gives Julia and all of us staying power in a difficult place.  Jesus chose to reveal His resurrection first to the single women.  On their testimony, love, and work, the Kingdom is built.


  1. SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!! now lemme raead!

  2. Thank you for celebrating the single women of the world! I am sending this link onto my daughters.
