Sunday, September 20, 2009

Proud Parents

RVA is off to a stellar start in this year's soccer season.
We are very, very thankful for Luke and Caleb's opportunity to play on the teams this year, but
it is a sacrifice and a loss to have hear their reports on the games from a distance. There is nothing Scott would love more than to be on the sidelines watching and cheering his boys on.
We are scheming if it might be possible for him to get to a game, but it is two days travel each way. We'll see...
For now we're thankful to Greg, one of Luke's dorm mates who's learned how to handle Luke's camera quite well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott and Jennifer,
    My wife and I read your blog, even though you don't know who we are. We learned about it from a friend, and are often very encouraged by it. We lived in Kenya for a year and a half not long ago, but are living in Canada now, so we resonate a bit with the African experience. I have a question for you. If you wouldn't mind, can you send me an email? Our address is gilmers(at) Thanks!
    For His glory,
    John and Kim Gilmer
