Sunday, September 20, 2009

first call

One of the important strategies for CSB to move into the second decade of existence will be to hire a fully qualified and spiritually alive Ugandan Head Teacher.  This has been the goal since the beginning, and on the priority list for years, but now the time is right.  A Head Teacher (HT) who understands this school system and has managed other schools will not struggle in the same ways we missionaries have done.  And a HT who manages the bulk of the school's day to day operations will free missionaries to focus on long-term vision, discipleship, staff development, extra-curriculars.  In our recent meetings we affirmed our commitment to CSB as a mission, and affirmed our readiness to take this important step.  Scott chairs a search committee and made fliers to be forwarded through board members, consultants, church leaders, community leaders.  

Today we got our first phone call from an interested applicant.

This is our A#1 prayer request for the next two months.  It is the top request we gave to the WHM board when they met this year.  It is the main thing we asked our churches to pray about.  That God would provide a man or woman with the professional excellence, character, spirituality, leadership that will make CSB a place where the Kingdom comes.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer, Scott, and those laboring in Uganda - I wanted to tell you that I will be in daily prayer for the perfect Head Teacher to be provided by God's own hand. I have just read a new Randy Alcorn book entitled "If God is Good" and was encouraged by stories of modern day miracles God has brought about to further His kingdom, often against all opposition, seemingly unsurmountable odds, and in places of spiritual warfare. I know that He is mighty and able to answer your long presented plea for the right person to take up the leadership of CSB and look forward to hearing how this prayer will be answered! With much love and great appreciation for all you do there, Cindy
