Sunday, September 20, 2009


We've felt a bit like beat-up-sheep lately, walking through dangerous valleys.  On Friday we had two good reminders that we are not shepherd-less.  First, a kind, sensitive, encouraging email from the pastor of our main supporting church.  This smallish congregation faithfully prays for us by name every single week in their service, and gives us a level of financial support few mega-churches would match.  We know we are loved there, but it was nice to read it in an email, too.  The same evening our local pastor and elder came over for dinner with their wives.  We see them as partners in mission, and wanted to bring them up to date after Paul and Ward's visit, and dispel some rumors they had been hearing about the mission.  They prayed for us, and then did so again publicly in church this morning.  We are in a privileged and unusual position of prayerful support in two continents, of sharing our lives and dreams and struggles with wise people in many places (WHM leaders, family, supporters, and local friends and colleagues).  As it says at the end of "It's a Wonderful LIfe" :  no man is a failure who has friends.  Amen.

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