Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Heading out, the luxury of wilderness

Tomorrow morning Scott and I will head out to the north end of our
district, into the game reserve where we have been granted two nights
as the guests of the managers of a luxury tented safari camp. This is
about the 4th year we've done this November overnight (though the
first time to get two nights!). It is God's good provision for our
weary souls, which are about as weary as they've ever been. 2009 has
been a long and trying year, for many reasons of loss, transition,
conflict, pressure, work, change, grief . . . our margins are almost
non-existent, and our time as a couple apart from kids, team, and work
is even smaller. So . . .if you think of us over the next 48 hours,
pray for rest. For reflection. For refreshment. For hope. And pray
for Jack and Julia left behind to complete their week of end-of-year
exams, in the capable hands of Ashley, Sarah, and Anna, with
enchiladas on the menu.


  1. Dear Ones,
    My prayer will be that you find deep rest for your souls in this time away.

  2. We'll be praying. Not only for much needed rest, but that God would overwhelm you with his love. For good sleep for the kids and a chance to build some special memories with Sarah, Ashley and Anna.

  3. Praying for your understandably weary souls to find a time of encouragement and refreshing moments. You guys are my inspiration to keep pressing on every day. I cannot put into words what your work, your ministry, and your example does to encourage me to be busy with Kingdom work and to fix my eyes on what is unseen. Much love - Cindy
