Monday, November 16, 2009

Standing in the need

. . of prayer. I'm posting pictures from rounds this morning, because I believe that pictures lend reality to another person's life, and draw in intercession. This is Baluku. His story is a couple of posts below: 14 year old mom who died, 35 year old bereaved grandmother who is now trying to be his surrogate breastfeeder. He's also getting baby formula from us. Pray he would thrive. Bhitighale, which means "they left me behind . . ", who has spent half his sad little life in the hospital with his barely coping grandmother. If he survives to a year it will be a miracle. Twins Nyangoma and Kato, whose disengaged mother usually leaves them sitting alone in the bed, and came in near starvation. Preemie who has gone from 785 grams to 1,610 . . . a life in the balance. And lastly Spice, with mom M., whose spunk and desperation speak to me. If she can gain a little more, we'll send her with her AIDS medicines and food back to her relatives in northern Uganda. Thanks for lifting these little lives up and asking for miracles of mercy.


  1. Thanks for the pictures. Putting a face to a story always seem to bring it home. Praying for all of them and for all of you as you minister to them.

  2. The twins (Nyangoma and Kato... from across the river, right?) are still there?! It can't be the same two that I remember from July, but they (especially the girl) look very close to how I remember them!
    Praying for them, and for you as the days go by.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures along with the stories. Seeing the faces of those who desperately need our prayers does lend a sense of urgency beyond what mere words can convey. Praying for all those pictured, grateful for the loyal and dedicated workers who labor there with you, and asking God to continue to grant mercy and healing to such innocent souls.

  4. Amy Pasqualini11/16/2009 4:13 PM

    Thank you for showing us all of these sweet faces and telling us their names and stories. It's good to be able to pray for specific needs and specific people. My prayer and hope is that each one of these little gifts can grow up and thrive, knowing that they are loved and cherished by their families, those of you there at the clinic, and by our heavenly Father who made each one of them. Thank you for blessing us with the privilege of praying for these little ones!

  5. Such beautiful little people. Bless them Jesus
