Saturday, June 19, 2010

Going Out, Coming In

Yesterday I sent an email out, desperate for prayer. Three weeks and a day until we fly out of Bundibugyo.  The last push.  Hard.

The daily Psalm that morning had been 121, my Dad's favorite.  It ends with: The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in, from this time forth, and even forevermore.

Going out of Bundi  . . . we ask for grace to bless others as we leave, as we say thank you, as we encourage, as we acknowledge what God is done while not pretending that His work is complete.  Coming in to America . . we ask for grace again to bless others as we come, as we say thank you, as we encourage, as we tell the story of Bundibugyo and ignite more prayer.  Already we've glimpsed God's preserving.  Without our asking, a family in our main supporting church offered us use of their car while we're on furlough.  Another friend offered to contribute to our airfare.  We're being kept, preserved, in the coming and going.

Our team listened to a sermon by Tim Keller from September last year, as Redeemer in NYC celebrated their 20th anniversary.  Something like our time now (well, only by a generous stretch of the imagination can we compare ourselves to Redeemer!).  The topic was HOPE, real Christian hope.  Real confidence that the last 20 years have brought permanent change, and that though the immediate future might involve suffering and even death the ultimate future is a guaranteed GOOD thing.  Living in a way that is different, that calls people to believe . . . but that also says clearly that we will sacrifice to make this place (Bundibugyo or New York) a great place for you to live whether you believe or not.  

Trying to keep that in view, as we go out and come in.

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