Sunday, June 20, 2010

Uganda, national day of repentance and prayer

It was announced in church, and in the newspapers today, that President Museveni has listened to prophetic warnings about impending bloodshed and disaster for Uganda, and called for a day of repentance and prayer, following the example of Abraham Lincoln in 1863.  Here is and excerpt from the press release:  

"Accordingly, I have declared that on Sunday June 20, 2010, at 9:00am at Kololo Independence Ground, we shall gather together for a special day of prayer and repentance. This is so that together we may thank God and seek his mercy and forgiveness for this great and chosen nation," the president said.

According to a programme released by the planning committee chaired by Ethics minister Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, the list of sins Ugandans will repent of includes corruption, tribalism, Idolatry, Bloodshed, political injustices (election malpractices, violence, abuse of human rights), unholy priesthood, selfishness, pride, sexual perversion, witchcraft, ancestral worship among many others.

Let us join Ugandans in examining our own hearts and pleading for God's mercy.  In 2011 both Sudan and Uganda will hold elections, potentially pivotal for good or for evil.  Both are places where oil resources could bring great blessing or continued unrest, where the struggle between national African governments and corporate interests outside of Africa threaten to harm the people on the ground.  Kenya was just rocked by violence during a protest rally concerning the vote on a new constitution.  Congo plans for its 50th anniversary of independence on the 30th of June, and is sending the unpopular MONUC armies out.  All these countries surround us, and are places with strong Christian influences where the people of God can lead the way in blessing the nations.  

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