Thursday, January 10, 2013

Foot Not Moved

Thank you all for encouraging comments, for pointing us to the truth, for having more faith than we do, for praying.

Tomorrow, Friday, 6:30 am Caleb's surgery begins.  It will be a several-hour procedure under general anesthesia to repair all three ligaments at once.  Pray for Dr. Allred to have skill and success in this difficult surgery.  Pray for God to heal Caleb's knee more completely than anyone anticipates.  Pray for Caleb to come through with hope and strength and minimal pain (especially since we found out after the accident that's he's allergic to codeine and/or morphine).

A few praises:  Scott was given the grace to leave the WHM meetings he was attending in Philadelphia today and fly to Colorado. He will be with Caleb for the next five days.  Our friends the Grahams are opening their home, and Caleb's sponsor family has been super, and other friends leant a car.  We are very grateful.  Another praise is that the Squadron Cadet Review Board meted out a not-too-terrible punishment.  But we're waiting on confirmation from the Air Officer Commanding (AOC) of his squadron, who has the final word on what his consequence will be.

Caleb's future in the USAFA is still uncertain.  Though the discipline committee does not seem to be pushing him out, the medical review board still could if he does not recover sufficiently to perform the demanding physical duties of the Air Force.

My dad's favorite Psalm, 121, has been on my heart as Caleb heads into surgery and I am almost ten thousand miles away, looking up at the hills of Kijabe.  My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot be moved. . . The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.  Surely the one who made heaven and earth can make a few ligaments, and keep that foot from being moved.  He can keep evil at bay, and lead Caleb in paths of life.

Thanks for standing with us.


  1. We are standing with you all! So relieved to hear that the Review Board's decision is on the good side. We'll be praying for all of you on our way to Kampala!

  2. Been catching up with this saga yesterday and today -- sorry to hear you guys are all experiencing such a hard time in this, but extremely glad that Scott can be with Caleb -- what a comfort to everyone. Praying.

  3. Been praying and recruiting others to do so. And we will continue to lift you all, knowing that God will be your help.

  4. Praying for you all. May grace and healing abound for all...

  5. We continue to pray. Greens, Grace OPC.

  6. Been praying for you all. Relieved to hear that the Board's decision was good.

  7. Praying for all!

  8. Praying for all!
