Monday, January 07, 2013

Desperation and Deliverance

PLEASE pray for Caleb this week.  The knee accident has been worse than we realized.  The orthopedic surgeon who saw him yesterday was able to talk to us on the phone, and was not at all encouraging about the prospect for full healing.  I realize some of that is cautionary medical don't-get-your-hopes-up attitude, but it felt like a physical stab to hear it.  I'm so thankful for Mike Mara our orthopedic colleague here, who has been a voice of hope and reason, and for other medical friends calling their medical friends and offering opinions.  The end result is that surgery has been scheduled for Friday.  Scott is in the USA for WHM leadership meetings; he will hopefully be able to get to CO to be with Caleb in the post-op period.  Friends we really need a miracle here.  Medicine and science can only go so far.  The procedure timing is controversial.  We're not talking about a few weeks or even months to recover, but years.  This is a kid who was the fastest in his squadron in basic training, whose intramural soccer team was in the finals, who worked super hard to achieve one of the top academic scores in the first term.  This is also a kid who has had a life-long pattern of being knocked down, and getting back up.  Pray for his heart. Pray for his knee.  Pray for God to take a desperate situation and turn it to deliverance for His own glory.  Our hospital chaplain read from Exodus as Moses faced the trek through the desert and the battles for the land, he said, if you don't go up from here with us, then don't send us.  As we go into 2013 we're passing through a desert and into a battle and we desperately need God to go with us.  Great leaders have a pattern of early loss and struggle, and I know God can use this for good.  Remember Joseph in prison.

Secondly pray for TODAY's SCRB ie Squadron Cadet Review Board meeting.  This is the group who will decide Caleb's punishment for riding a motorcycle.  I'm glad I looked into his eyes and discussed this before the kids went out to the valley,  and know without a doubt that he went out with a clear conscience.  But it doesn't matter to the Academy if he understood this rule or not. I suspect that illegal drugs or alcohol or visiting prostitutes would be less of a scandal than taking what is normal transportation in Africa.

Thanks for supporting Caleb and us in prayer.  We truly can not do a thing to pull him through, only God can.  Through you.  


  1. I have been reading your blog for about two years and have found myself praying for your children all along. I will certainly pray for Caleb. I'm sure there are many of us who won't leave a comment but will be praying nonetheless. --RSt.A

  2. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

  3. Praying for Caleb and for all of you.

  4. I'm praying for grace and mercy. I know that Caleb would never have intentionally jeopardized his standing by willingly breaking a rule. He's too smart and committed for that. Praying for his healing and protection through it all.

  5. Jennifer, all of us here are praying for you, Caleb, Scott and for all the important decisions and procedures ahead. Bob Osborne

  6. I am heading for Bundibugyo on Sunday. I have been reading through your blog (given to my by Holy Wheeler) over the past few weeks. I feel like I am friends with Caleb even though I don't even know your family. Praying for a miracle and that God will bring him out of this situation with plunder just like He brought the Israelites from captivity with the Egyptians gold. He is going to use this for Caleb's, and the whole family's, good!
