Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Traveling Mercies

Saying goodbye reaches new depths of sorrow when you say goodbye to a child in a wheelchair.  Who is 17.  Who is traveling alone, injured, back to one of the hardest years of life one can choose.  Who has just spent an hour waiting for Kenya Airways to ineffectively find him said wheelchair and regret to inform us that they can not find any bulkhead seating.  When you know the flight is already delayed to the point of making the connecting flight in Amsterdam unlikely, probably beyond the point of possible.  I came out of the airport and called KLM in Kenya, in America, and in the Netherlands, but no one could really manage to make the computer give Caleb a seat where he could manage his leg.  Leg room is now a money-making opportunity, and not for the injured.  Watching him pushed through immigration felt very helpless.  

He was in God's hands, not ours.  Where he was upgraded to a better seat.  And where his connecting flight was also delayed 2 hours.  So as far as we know he is now over the Atlantic en route to Atlanta.  This child has been on God's hard altar since he was a fetus, and it doesn't get any easier, even if the ram rustles the thicket with encouraging flight news.  Your prayers are appreciated.


  1. Jennifer - I just wanted to let you know that the Lord brought Caleb to my mind last night and I have been praying for him as re-enters life in the US, school, etc.

    Grateful for your ministry,
    Meg Hooper
    (mutual friend of the Woods family, Ryan family, Natalee Whitesell, etc.)

  2. I think this is my first time commenting. Just wanted to say thank you for keeping this blog. You write very, very well - all the more impressive because I know you are busy and I imagine it is hard to find a few quiet moments in front of your computer.

    I hope Caleb has a speedy recovery and you all experience God's comfort and peace through this hard time.

    Thank you again - your writing really is wonderful.

    -an adult MK and RVA alumnus
