Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kijabe Mudslides April 2013

Click to see the destruction HERE

Last night, Kijabe received more that 5 inches of rain overnight. 26 inches of rain in the past month.

Add in the ongoing deforestation of the Kijabe Forest above RVA and the result was a severe MUDSLIDE.

The pictures tell the story.

The physical destruction of property will reverberate for some time...

- Severe erosion and mudslides seem to have made the road up to the main highway both impassable and possibly irreparable.  Many, many patients and hospital employees access the hospital via this road.  They will be inconvenienced and it may have considerable impact on the health of many people.

-  Water supply pipes to the Kijabe Hospital have been destroyed.  This will severely impact the functioning of the hospital almost immediately.

- RVA fences have been destroyed.

- Kijabe Boys School (a senior secondary school) experienced serious damage.

-  Many homes and business have had significant damage.

- This will seriously impact the travel of those coming for the funeral of Martha Pontier, AIM missionary who will be buried tomorrow.

There are some things for which to be thankful:

- Miraculously, RVA signed their FLOOD INSURANCE CONTRACT LAST WEEK!

     (N.B. - the Kenya newspaper The Daily Nation reported that 3 girls were killed in Kiambu County, but that did not happen in the immediate vicinity of Kijabe.  The news story is HERE ).

Let us pray for those responsible for those responsible for reconstruction and clean-up.


  1. Thanks Scott for sharing. The RVA guards at the gate, I might add, ran for their lives when they saw/heard the mudslide, thinking it was "the end of the world" (in their own words!). Don't blame them at 3 am I was woken by a very loud noise, sounded a bit like a train but with large trees clearly falling.
    Also, just wanted to clarify that in the last month we've received about 26 inches of rain, which in SOME years, is more than annual rainfall, but certainly NOT MORE THAN 3 YEARS (some yrs we have received 30, 40, or even 50 inches of rain). -Jeff D., RVA

  2. Praying with you all! It is raining here in Nashville today, but not nearly as much. Remembering the flooding that happened here a few years ago. as it rains down, lifting my prayers up.

  3. My prayers are with you and the community there.
