Wednesday, April 24, 2013


A few months ago we realized that we didn't have enough money in the Jonah Kule Memorial Leadership Fund to pay this year's tuition/fees for the Uganda medical students we are currently sponsoring through this fund.  

We currently have a 5th (last) year student (Julius Monday), two 4th year students (Baluku Morris & Amon Bwamale), a 3rd year student (Katuramu Tadeo), a 2nd year student (Birungi Fred), a first year student (Isaiah Kule) and a student finishing his MPH (Baguma Charles).  It takes over $3500 (all fees) per year per student --quite a deal compared to an American friend we know who is at the Columbia University Medical School in NYC and is paying $75,000 per year.

Well, we asked and you responded.  We now have enough to send this group for another year of medical studies.  Jehovah Jireh (God will provide - Genesis 22:14).  God provided a ram in the thicket for Abraham to sacrifice in place of Isaac.  When no apparent solution is visible, God provides.

Thank you for your generosity! 

While the seed of Jonah's life was buried in Bundibugyo as he cared for his friends with Ebola, we believe that these students are the fruit of that death.   We continue to pray that all of these students will return to serve in Bundibugyo District … for the good of the people there and for God's glory.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray hooray! The Lord our Provider, amen. Cannot wait to know these brilliant ones!
