Saturday, June 21, 2014


Kenya is a dangerous place.  Travel warnings, terrorist attacks, road traffic accidents, diseases, violence. We have made headlines recently with the latest round of death:  vans of armed men attacking World Cup viewers last Sunday on the coast, then setting fire to hotels and the police station.  Sad terrible deaths.

Which then leads the US to advise against travel, tour companies to pull out plans, embassies to relocate staff.

As I read the last travel advisory, I decided to look up some comparison numbers.

In the last 18 months there have been 83 terrorist incidents in Kenya, leading to "over 100" deaths, all Africans.  This is from a population of nearly 45 million people.

In the last 18 months there have been 63 shootings in schools in America, leading to 110 deaths.  There are about 45 million American children enrolled in schools.

So why does travel in Kenya seem so much more dangerous than going to school in America?  Is it the illusion of the foreign? Why would people not hesitate to have their child be one of 45 million in a school, yet question the safety of being one of 45 million in Kenya?

Of course I would wish that no person could take a gun into a school in America and kill children and teachers, and no person could make IED's or wield machine guns indiscriminately killing Kenyans.  The world is a dangerous place, but the Kingdom comes, slowly and quietly.


  1. Fear is seldom rational.

  2. Yet another great post. Your blog is one of my favourites...thank you for taking the time to write.

  3. Very well said.
