Saturday, June 21, 2014

End of the Season

RVA lost to Strathmore in Rugby quarter-finals today.

They were a big, fast, expert team.  We played hard, and so did they.  Yes we made mistakes.  Too many it turns out.  We traded tries but ran out of time as they had the last score on an intercepted pass. So sad for these boys who played hard and well.  Jack had a great game, good tackles, smart strategy, a quick tackle that set up our first try and another try that was called back for unclear reasons.  He did his best.
This picture was from the last season group-play game, a victory.  I think it captures some of his intensity.

A small part of me is relieved that he and the team are emerging mostly intact, no horrible injuries.  But mostly it is sad to come to the end of the season.  His coach will be on furlough next year, so that will be hard too, having a new person for both football and rugby.

I think one of the primary joys of parenthood is seeing your kids try something hard, and thrive in the challenge.  I love seeing the way Jack pours himself into rugby, just as I love seeing the others in their passions.  Sometimes I'm sad that my Dad never lived to see this sport, since he was a huge American Football fan (in the simpler days when we all cheered for the Redskins because of a loyal proximity with no qualms about the implications of the name).  He would have loved watching.

So here's to the end of a great season, winning the Blackrock tournament, making it to quarter-finals in the league.  And here's to the hope that senior year will be even better!

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