Thursday, September 30, 2021

A little good news.

 Five more appointments since Monday.  Mostly pretty good news.

Tuesday- Speech Therapy (which includes a neuro-psych/cognition component).  The therapist repeated two mental status and cognitive tests in which Jennifer achieved perfect scores.  They saw no reason for her to need to return to this clinic — so she was discharged with no need for further follow up. Yay.

Thursday- Turns out that no one noticed that Jennifer had an abnormal urine culture result from the rehab facility (sample sent because of the long period of the in dwelling urinary catheter in the ICU).  We had to sort that out with  a primary care provider this morning.  They repeated the urinalysis which is still abnormal—and she is mildly symptomatic— so then there’s the trip to the pharmacy to pick up an antibiotic prescription.  

Then to follow-up with the Trauma Surgery Team in Morgantown (90 mins north).  A chest X-ray showed her pulmonary contusions and rib fractures are mostly healed — so she was released from any further follow-up here, too.

Then a quick drive 30mins south to Bridgeport to United Rehab for evaluations with Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT). In broad strokes, OT deals more with upper extremities issues and how they relate to issues of daily living (eating, dressing, bathing, etc) while PT deals more with lower extremities and ambulation.  Today, Jennifer demonstrated excellent upper extremity strength and dexterity—and was released from any further follow up with OT.  PT was a different story.  Jennifer has quite a bit of weakness in her legs and core (abdomen/back) which are the result of both the brain injury and being immobile for 3 weeks.  Additionally, balance is a real problem—a brain problem and also related to her right eye problem.  She needs support to walk—an arm to lean on, a walker or something like a doorframe or railing to steady herself.  We have twice weekly appointments —and lots of homework workout routines—for the coming month.  Pray for progress with her strength, ability to walk independently, and safety (freedom from falls).  Thanks.


  1. Thank you for the update, Scott. Praise God for the good news! Will be praying for much progress for Jennifer in the coming month of PT.

  2. Praying for joy and hope and perseverance and encouraging progress. Praying against anger and frustration and discouragement.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to recount these details for your praying brothers and sisters.


  3. I’m praying for a full recovery, including her cranial nerve and eye issue. Praising God for all His healing work so far and for His very near Presence.

  4. Great news. Shedding specialists is a good sign. Praying for patience, growing strength and balance and many unexpected blessings along this journey.

  5. We are very grateful to GOD for the tremendous improvement! HE who has began the good work of healing in you Dr.Jennifer will bring it to completion.
    We commit you to the care of the Great Physician- our LORD GOD
    Kule Isaiah

  6. Thank you for this update. It's so wonderful to know of certain releases and to know how to pray for others. May you sense His presence in the midst of this unexpected chapter.

  7. Grateful to God for the great strides achieved. The many discharges from the different departments are promising. Quick recovery

  8. Thanks so very much for the update Scott. We can certainly pray without ceasing, and the Father knows her every need, but it sure is nice to pray specifics. Much love to you both

  9. Our gracious God is working wonders. Praising Him

  10. Dear Scott and Jennifer, I am trying to pray as hard as the two of you are working toward recovery. But I know that I am not keeping up with you. Your road sometimes must feel very long, perhaps like walking barefoot all the way from the Ivory Coast to Uganda, but i have confidence that with God's help the two of you could manage that trip. I am praying that you will be able return to Bundibugyo, to Nyahuka, to your great school and hospital and all the people, there and here in the States, who love you and need your hands of service and caring. May the power of the Holy Spirit lift your hearts when they are heavy and bring God's healing joy to you. I am praying, praying, praying for you. Judy in HMB
