Monday, September 27, 2021

First follow-up appt


The days since discharge from the rehab center have fallen into a certain rhythm.  Morning coffee with Luke, Abby and Jack.  Some sort of outing, usually organized by Luke, which involves getting Jennifer into the (rental) Jeep and going somewhere for a short walk.  Coming back for scrumptious food made by Abby—or sent by friends.  A nap for Jennifer.  Repeat.

Today, Luke flew back to Salt Lake City.  And we headed back to the WVU Medical Campus for our first outpatient follow-up with the ophthamologist.  Jennifer has a “third cranial nerve injury”—not sure exactly where the nerve is injured along its pathway from the midbrain to the eye, but it is a serious injury which has resulted in a droopy eyelid, a dilated pupil, and impaired ability to move the eye upwards, inwards, and downwards—which is causing double vision.  They were able to document some improvement in the eye movements since she was in the ICU, but we heard for the first time today that the wide dilatation of the pupil is likely to be a permanent outcome (it seems that the pupillary function is controlled by sympathetic fibers running along the outside of CNIII which are more vulnerable to traumatic injury). That is disappointing on a number of levels.  A permanently dilated pupil makes bright light uncomfortable.  The accommodation reflex of the eye which causes the lens to thicken bringing near objects into focus—will not be possible now.  And the asymmetric appearance of the eyes will be disconcerting to Jennifer.  

We are still asking for prayer for the extraocular muscle function (governing eye movements) to fully return.  That is our hope and prayer.  We will be returning monthly to the WVU Eye Center to monitor the progress—and they expect that the improvement may continue over the next 6-9 months.  There are surgical options we would rather avoid if recovery of function is inadequate.

This is hard news to hear.  We continue to be thankful for the preservation of Jennifer’s life and look forward to “seeing” how this unfolds for the God’s purposes.


  1. I am praying for the best possible outcome for Jennifer's eye. May her abilities be restored and her beauty be recovered. Praying for you and the children as well as you work together toward Jennifer returning to good health.

  2. It is my prayer that the eye completely gets healed. Lord we trust you and we believe you are a faithful God and loving one. Kindly send your healing power to Dr. Jennifer's eye

  3. Laurie and I are trusting in Christ with you and pleading for your recovery, Jennifer. Our home group knows your story--the amazing ways you have served Jesus over the years and up to this very moment. Together we pray. We are really sorry for the hard news and weep with you while we seek him. Every grace to you, dear Myhres. Epedori Akuj! He is able! We are thankful for these faith-filled updates and also for our long friendship. You and your family are precious to us.

  4. Praying for you as you wait upon the Lord regarding Dr. Jennifer's vision, but also praying for complete healing. Those who have relied on you must be missing you so much. Prayers for team members longing for your return as well.

  5. Praying with you for extraocular muscles and beyond that to complete healing. He is able!

  6. Praying for good surprises, eye movements, miracles beyond what we already have seen. Can only imagine the ups and downs that happen with the unknowns, thinking of our history with Timothy. Oh how I pray for healing. Hugs, jane for the team who still needs to get her husband to make waffles and ice cream

  7. When I first read this it brought tears, but with you, praying you'll see the unseen... and experience the full power of Jehovah Rapha.

  8. Trusting God for the better outcome and I continue praying that Jennifer's eye may be fully restored
    We remain hopeful and strong that all will be well

  9. Will pray for miraculous healing Jennifer. Thank you so much Scott for posting.
