Wednesday, September 22, 2021

She's home (West Virginia home)...

 We have been desperately scheming how to get Jennifer home from rehab.

For reasons that are not entirely clear, the WV Dept of Health has shut down visitation to chronic care facilities--definitely related to COVID spikes in the state.

So, the facility recognized that Jennifer was a candidate for early release--and let her go even earlier than we expected.

Sigh of relief...


  1. This warms my heart! Jennifer looks so great! Glad she's home resting!
    -Karen M

  2. All the glory back to God, we continue praying that Jennifer completely recovers and that soon the eye will also clear
    Well be back mom

  3. Thanking God for this wonderful news. Thank you for the visuals! Praying for ongoing graces in the recovery process.


  4. So very thankful Jennifer is home!! Love the promise of the rainbow over your beloved WV home. What a welcoming site from God. Love, Cousin Deborah

  5. This is good news! She will rest so much better in the farmhouse. May it be clear which therapies you need to continue to pursue.

  6. We are so thankful and rejoice with you that Jennifer is home! This is so much better!

  7. I am just now learning of all of this, but I wanted to let you know I will be praying for your whole family. Thank you for your love for Jesus and how it has encouraged me over the years. Thank you for letting us into your lives over the years, and now also.I will be praying.

    Paige Thompson

  8. Absolutely wonderful! We're so happy for you!

  9. So glad to see Jennifer home and so quickly, what an answer to prayers! Love and hugs to her as she recovers and to your family as well, I know this has been a rough few weeks. Hoping you all can enjoy these last couple days with your kids before they head back to Work.

  10. This makes my heart happy. Sleeping in her own bed for a full night is going to be AMAZING. Prayinf, praying, praying!!

  11. Sandi Hoogland9/22/2021 8:07 PM

    Yay! So thankful that she is home. Hopefully the rest and peace there will be good for her brain. Praying for wisdom and stamina as you figure out all of the outpatient therapy and follow ups.

  12. Praise God for blessings. i am so happy for you both and for Luke and Abby and Jack. i am praying that your recovery continues at this rapid rate until all the sequelae of the accident have disappeared.

  13. A thousand hurrays and hallelujahs! Such wonderful news!

  14. Wonderful news that Dr. Jennifer is back home. Continuing to pray for all of you.

  15. Praise God! I’m so happy for all of you! He has done great things!

  16. Wow! She looks great, just to be standing. We're so happy and won't stop praying. Much love, Karen & Eric

  17. Praise God! Rejoicing with you all. Continuing to pray for her recovery.

  18. Scott our Presbytery prayed for Jennifer and you guys this morning. Love to all of yiu

  19. Home is Best especially when some of your kids are there to brighten your day! Please continue to heal Jennifer! We are all rooting for you!

  20. An answer to many prayers! Welcome home!!!!!!!!

  21. Yay! Enjoy the peace of your home and family - and some pretty smart blankets! Much love from NJ

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Glad to see her at home,we give the Almighty God the glory and we continue to pray for her complete healing.
