Friday, September 24, 2021

Better days…


A friend asked yesterday, “How’s Jennifer doing?”  So, I started listing off all the things she did during the day:

- went for a ride in Luke & Abby’s rental Jeep up into the woods of our farm and walked about 200 yards (slowly and with support).

- came back and did some therapy exercises in the yard 

- napped for 2 hours

- morning and afternoon coffee

- evening shower

- sat on the front porch and listened to an audio book

- grilled salmon and pasta feast in the evening

- FaceTime with pretty much all of the immediate family.

Pretty good day. 

(Woke up this morning after 10 hours of sleep still feeling exhausted—did we over do it yesterday, maybe, but I think that it just the nature of her body saying I need more restorative, healing sleep).

These are all answers to prayer.  Thanks to all.


  1. So much hand waving and party hats. Thanking God for getting you home Jennifer! Thank you for taking the time to update us Scott. Insert VUVUZELA here.

  2. We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the far she has come! We believe for a complete restoration of her health

  3. Thankful to God He has been good, thank you too Dr. Scott for updating us and the support you and the family plus all the others are giving to jennifer we continue praying and trusting God for complete restoration of her health blessed time

  4. So thankful for God's goodness, and for your continued updates... prayers ongoing.
    The day you've described sounds wonderful.


  5. We shall continue thanking God for every change that takes place in Dr.Jennifer's life. May the Almighty God be glorified.

  6. So glad the family team of therapists is seeing such wonderful results. Wonderful news. A blessing of immense encouragement. Thank you Scott for taking time in your busy and stressful life to keep us posted Hooray for you, Jennifer. Determination is already starting to prove what you can do. God bless you all. Judy in HMB

  7. Wow..... the splendour of our God

  8. Looking back from where she started, that's a great deal of activities done. Very happy with this trajectory of recovery process.
    Thank you for keeping us updated Dr. Scott.
    Praying for you all.
    Kule Isaiah

  9. Thanks for updating. I check every few days as I am still thinking about you guys and praying, especially on my walks as I listen to music. Certain songs trigger prayers for Jennifer, these two did yesterday:
    Much love! Lydia
