Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Update #12: 14Sep 7:45pm EDT

 Another day of watching and waiting.  

We continue to wait to hear about a transfer to an inpatient rehab facility—and it all seems dependent on the insurance authorization. 

And today…nothing.  No word.  And pretty much nothing happening for Jennifer in this hospital now.  Only vital signs and continuing respiratory therapy.

She did have the 10 staples removed from the 3 inch laceration in the back of her head—which occurred UNDER her helmet.  Difficult to understand how that happened.  Seems like severe shearing forces as the helmet hit the pavement.  So many things we probably won’t ever understand.

The morning started off pretty rough.  Jennifer feeling despondent about life in general.  Hearing details about what is going on in our teams in Africa—which were meant to encourage—just caused distress.

However, good FaceTime with our kids, Jennifer’s mom, and Ree’L & Jason buoyed her spirit.

And while no therapist came, Caleb took matters into his own hands.  He got her behind the walker and they walked twice as far as the day before.  She felt the paradox of liberation and general exhaustion.  Then back to bed to recover and watch Ted Lasso while I ran some errands.

Please continue to pray we can get into the rehab facility tomorrow and get the next step going.


  1. Way to go Caleb!!!
    Resting and waiting are hard!

  2. Praying for insurance authorization, encouragement, safe and timely arrival for your visiting family...

  3. Praying for good news soon. Good job getting in those steps! Will be praying for encouragement. Love, Martha

  4. Praying for you, Jennifer, that you will find the fortitude to rebuild your health, and for you Scott that you will find joys in each day together, and that the Holy Spirit will help you both to live one day at a time as you serve as God's examples of dedication and love. Praying with all my heart for you both. Love, Judy in HMB

  5. Oh waiting is so very hard. You are never far from our hearts. Paul and I are praying and are so thankful for the updates.

  6. Good Morning Scott and Jennifer, Please know that you are being prayed for at World Medical Mission / Samaritan's Purse. We're praying for a full and speedy recovery. May God provide just what you need the very moment you need it. Love and prayers for all of us!

  7. Dear friends are missionaries in Madagascar ( medical) and came across your blog early this AM in Canada. We have four TBI suriors in my family, yes 4. I understand the journey of both family members ( who support and live alongside) and the journey of a TBI ( Traumatic Brain Injury ) survivor , being one myself. As a family with the blessing and curse of being high achievers it is a rather unique journey of faith and acceptance and hope and despair. The despair of course does lessen along the way as achievement of the new normal and acceptance grows.... A prayer support network is essential. Good friends , real friends , a family of faith is essential. The naysayers and glad handers wiill slowly disappear and God will bring many gifts along the way. This is a unique journey and He will guide . Sending you much love ...
    Linda in Canada

  8. Prayers continue for you all as you wait! So hard! 💖 Susan and Kym

  9. Kate Meyerhoeffer9/15/2021 12:18 PM

    I know of you and Jennifer through Ike and Jessie. Jennifer shared such faithful words to Jessie at her baby shower and then at Jack's memorial. Jennifer certainly has a way with words, and I know through the Shickels how much your family means to them. Praying for you all during the waiting and unknowns. God remains faithful in the midst of earth's valleys.

  10. Kathy Dawson9/15/2021 12:19 PM

    Romans 8:31 What shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

    I am reminded of this verse and the ones that go before and after. There is nothing I can say that is greater than this. Just know there are many who love and care for you all. We are in prayer for His greatness, asking, knowing, and believing that it will happen in His time. -Kathy
