Monday, September 13, 2021

Update #11: 13Sep 8pm

 So, a good but hard day.  It seems like Jennifer plateaued a bit mental status wise.  Speech still fluid, but with some regular bouts of confusion.

Hospital-wise, today was a busy Monday.

First, Occupational Therapy came.  They did some exercises—sitting, pushing up from lying down, standing, taking some steps with assistance, taking some steps with a walker.  Small shuffling steps.  Exhausting.  Went to the sink and washed her face.  Their assessment was that she is ready for the inpatient rehab.  They think she can handle the three hours of therapy per day.  But the discharge and transfer is the call of the Trauma Surgery Team.

They arrived about 1pm. New attending.  But we all agreed that she is stable with regard to her injuries, making good improvements and is ready for discharge.  Yay.

Third, the Case Manager.  She talked specifically about the Rehab options (for the 7-14day program).  One company—Encompass—two choice locations, Bridgeport (closer to our farm) or Morgantown (around the corner for this current hospital).  We asked for the Bridgeport option but now it’s all about “bed availability” and “insurance approval”.  Pray for those obstacles to be removed.

Last, the call from Encompass.  We talked through most of the things we have already heard.  What to expect issues. While we are thrilled to get her started in the Inpatient Rehab, one big bummer is the different visitor policy.  We have enjoyed the University Hospital’s policy of two visitors in the room from 8am-7pm.  Any two.  Mix and match, swap in and out.  The Rehab policy is “ONE PERSON PER DAY.”  (12-6). That is the same one person.  No more, one person subbing in for another.  One unique individual can visit Jennifer per day.  This policy arose because they had some patients get Covid due to a parade of visitors swapping in and out. This is going to be hard for our kids who are arriving over the next few days.  Julia and Abby coming Wednesday-Sunday. Jack and Luke coming for a week starting Friday. 

A couple more thoughts about Jennifer’s general state of mind.

It’s a continual battle for her to let go and rest.  She feels guilty for being in the hospital, for causing this ruckus (and “it seems like it wouldn’t be so bad to recruit an army of prayer if I was doing something valiant and heroic in Africa…but wiping out on my bicycle in West Virginia?”).  She’s constantly thinking about the team, the Area, the prayer meetings (“have you arranged the biweekly prayer meetings, Scott?”).  Helping her to embrace the fact that her job is to rest and heal IS A BATTLE.

And when the Trauma Team did their rounds, she asked the Trauma surgeon- can I expect to return to normal —or am I looking for find a new Normal? And is this a time line of months or years?  These are questions for which we have no answers.  It’s that fog of uncertainty in which all of us are staggering.


  1. Praying for you in the staggering of uncertainty. Praying also for an exception to the visitors policy... His will be done.


  2. We're very heartened to hear God's faithfulness as He continues to bring healing to Jennifer. We continue to pray that she will strengthen day by day. I will pray specifically that she will lean into His restful arms, letting Him manage all of the cares she is so aware of. Thank you, Scott, for keeping us updated. Your family is surrounded by saints interceding for you all.

  3. Please tell Jennifer that it is a PRIVILEGE for us to pray for her - regardless of where she is. The hospital in WV is no less significant than the pediatric ward in Africa. From someone who doesn't know her personally but has been SO BLESSED by her ministry in many ways, please tell her we consider it an absolute privilege to go before the Lord on her behalf regardless of where she is and why. Praying she can rest in Jesus' finished work for her and the love of her family and friends.

  4. Continuing to pray for you all. Debbie Ferguson

  5. Continuing to pray, Scott. Please assure Jennifer we are with her and with you in prayer. This space is sacred, Jennifer. You are so loved and this rehab is so blessed to have you. May God grant you grace to be and know He is enough. We love you!

  6. Praying for peace in your hearts and rest and healing for Jennifer. Praying she can feel free to accept care and blessing. Love, Martha

  7. We keep praying and grateful to God for the strides!
    Bob and Lilian.

  8. Thanks for the honest update it helps us pray into the situation. Praying that Jennifer can have meaningful time with all the family and that you can resolve the visiting restrictions and other obstacles to access the care that she needs and praying for her sweet heart ...In Christ alone my hope is found
    He is my light, my strength, my song
    This cornerstone, this solid ground
    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
    What heights of love, what depths of peace
    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
    My comforter, my all in all
    Here in the love of Christ I stand
    ….praying for Jennifer's fears to be stilled and her stirrings ceased as she rests in Christs love ...and that for each of you xx

  9. Kathy Dawson9/14/2021 6:01 AM

    Oh, what wonderful news! To know that her caring heart is still there is a blessing. Praying for peace, rest, and healing in His loving arms as you continue on this new journey. There are still many lives that can be touched along this new journey and I have no doubt but what the Myhre family will continue to do just that! Sending you love and prayers, Kathy

  10. Sandi Hoogland9/14/2021 8:15 AM

    For those of us who have built our lives around giving care, it's so difficult when we are put in the position of needing care. It can just feel so wrong to let go of the responsibilities and allow ourselves to be cared for. Even when there is no other choice. Praying that Jennifer and all of you can find rest and peace in this unexpected time of needing healing. Continuing to pray for all the daily details.

  11. We are continuing to pray and are enjoying walking with you from afar in the healing process. Thank you for your courageous writing and faith. It is nice to hear Jennifer's wittiness and insight is coming back! With love, the Ickes Family

  12. In the moment of staggering uncertainty all we have to do as we have been doing is to put our eyes fixed on God. He is to faithful to let us down
    Continuing to Pray and hoping for the best

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Faithful is God. He did it for many people and He also will do it for Jenifer. I believe She will do fine in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. My family and I will continue praying for you.
