Thursday, September 16, 2021

Update #14 - 16Sep 23:05


DAY 1 - Encompass Rehab 

Long day for Jennifer.  They woke her for her first shower in eight days.  She described it as “life giving.” That said, the next comment was that “I feel like I’m in a movie set of a dystopian reality show.”

She participated in speech and cognitive evaluations, recumbent bicycling with the occupational therapist, as well as an evaluation from the rehab attending doctor.

To be honest, it’s been a pretty slow start, with today being primarily just an evaluation day.  While we’ve heard good reports about this facility, we’re concerned that we are heading into a WVU Football weekend (VA Tech, a big rival)—which we experienced last weekend when the entire hospital basically shut down for the event.  Jennifer is also not really being given the space and quietness to get the restful sleep she desperately needs.  Lots of phones ringing and nurse call alarms are really disturbing her.  It’s not what we had hoped for.

So we need wisdom and patience—pray for that. Julia gave us a comprehensive report on her 8-hour day with Jennifer. And then we (Julia, Abby, Caleb and I) strategized for the weekend travel logistics and our plan for advocacy for Jennifer at her facility.

Closing with another quote of the day-

Occupational Therapist: What was your occupation?

Jennifer: You mean What IS my occupation?  I am a pediatrician.


  1. Sandi Hoogland9/17/2021 4:27 AM

    Praying for the sleep situation. That's so important. Soft foam earplugs?? I use them every night, and they help a lot. Continuing to pray for all the details.

  2. Praying, and so thankful you are taking the time to update.


  3. You go Jennifer! I AM a pediatrician!

    What a wonderful photo of Julia and Jennifer.

    Again, thank you so much for the updates. My heart is leaping happy leaps.

    I'm praying for Luke and Jack and Botu on their drive. Ah, youth! 😉

    Another suggestion...a white noise machine...we use them for the granddaughters.

  4. I don’t know Jennifer personally, but I love her so much! Have loved her writing, her wisdom and her spirit for awhile, and am so happy to hear of her recovery! Will continue to pray, and especially now for sleep. Thank you for all these updates; you guys continue to inspire even through all of this! ❤️

  5. Occupational Therapist: What was your occupation?
    Jennifer: You mean What IS my occupation? I am a pediatrician.

    LOL! YOU GO, GURL! Love that "spit & vinegar!"
    The Lord Jesus is with you - and the Spirit - and your Abba Father - and your angel -
    Praying for healing and for wisdom in the advocacy plan!
    We love you all very much.
    Pullin for ya'!
    From your vast CHEERING SECTION out here, we are yours,
    Johnny & Becky

  6. Adrienne O'Connor (Faith Christian Fellowship Baltimore)
    I'm praying for you daily! I reread Maria Garriott's book "A Thousand Resurrections" and it was fun to see that she quoted you in her book.

  7. Love to see that smile!! We'll keep on praying for everything you've mentioned!

  8. Medical facilities are not restful places, unfortunately, but I know that the first shower was glorious!!

    Lord, thank you for each small gift, each step of progress and recovery. Please give Team Jennifer clarity on how to advocate for the best care for her. Watch over her sons as they drive across the country. Show us, Spirit, how we can pray and support this family. Strengthen all the hands that have stepped up to manage the many roles that Scott and Jennifer fill, and remind all of us of our ongoing need for Jesus. In Him we pray, Amen.

  9. Amazing. So glad to hear the progress. Grateful for the frequent updates.

  10. You set 'em straight, Jennifer! WOW!

    You are very much in our prayers here in upstate NY...

    Bet and Caleb

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm glad that Jennifer is getting better and has moved to rehab. Praying that she gets well quickly and that the visiting hours will work out for you all. It's too bad that you can't have more than one person a day visit. Praying for complete healing.
    Sandra Mayhew Raker
