Friday, September 17, 2021

Update #15: 17Sep 22:45


A better day in rehab today.  

I didn’t expect that Jennifer’s comment about her situation being a “dystopian reality show” would result in a response which would transform her bleak room into a floral sanctuary.  Thanks all.

Physical therapy worked a lot with her today on balance and movement.  She’s moving better, but still needs a wheelchair or walker to go even short distances (e.g., the bathroom).  The NeuroPsych doc spent over an hour with her giving both encouragement about the possibility of full recovery as well as speaking frankly about how it is impossible to predict what the timeline will look like.  It’s looking like it’s possible that we might be able to transition out of the inpatient rehab in the middle of next week and move her home to our little farm house.  Then we would begin outpatient rehab visits.  It’s beginning to become clear how we are going to be moving continuously from one follow-up visit to another—PT, OT, TBI Clinic, Eye Clinic, PMR…

Meanwhile here at the Farm — or as the kids call it, “Bag End”, Bilbo Baggins and Frodo’s little corner of the Shire—we are preparing for her return.  Setting up a bedroom on the first floor which requires bringing a bed downstairs—through the window because the stairs are so narrow.  Julia and Caleb worked themselves to exhaustion today…cleaning, moving Jennifer’s clothing downstairs, baking cookies, sorting and trashing.  And Jack and Luke (and Botu, their Golden Retriever) are doing a marathon 30-hour drive from Salt Lake City to Buckhannon.  Oh my.


  1. Grateful for that big window upstairs! And more grateful to hear of Jennifer’s continued progress. Being with family will be an added benefit!

  2. We keep you all in our prayers! Praying for perseverance, patience, and lots and lots and LOTS of laughter. Hugs from Team Ickes

  3. Grateful to hear about mum Jennifer's continued progress. We bless the Lord.

  4. Much to thank God for in this update! So encouraging that Jennifer may soon become an outpatient and that the plans for this next phase of her recovery are coming together.

  5. We are continuously praying for her full recovery

  6. Thankful for Bag End and energetic and loving family, for the cheerfulness and beauty of flowers, for the hope of home set before you all, and for the God from whom all blessings flow. Praying on.


  7. Thankful to God and all you supporting her
    God bless you all

  8. The therapy, the presence of family, the gifts of flowers to brighten a sterile space, the work to create a bedroom for Jennifer downstairs in the house, the hope of release next week, and so much more…these are answers to our prayers. Thanks be to God and thanks be to all who are the hands and feet of Jesus.

  9. We thank GOD for all human vessels HE is using to to minister healing to Dr Jennifer! It's very encouraging to see that perfect smile on your face dear Dr Jennifer.
    We will continue praying for complete healing.
    Kule Isaiah

  10. Thank you for updating us so regularly I have been praying for Jennifer and your family. There is no place like home. I pray she can be discharged midweek OR SOONER as hoped!!!

    Moving that bed! Oh my goodness. WHEW!

    Much love from Oregon.

  11. WOW-WOW-WOWZIE! Transitioning to HOME! We are TOTALLY CHUFFED at this news!
    And what a FABULOUS FAMILY prepping "Bag End"! :)
    Johnny & Becky

  12. Just finished Book 4 - and then found this older article:
    What a Christ honouring, Christ imitating life you've led together.

  13. Wonderful to see your smiles - even moving stuff! Praying for the Lord to uphold all of you and give you peaceful hearts, and of course for Jennifer's healing. Of course you ARE a pediatrician, dear sister! Right on! Praying for all the plans to fall into place as well at Bag End. Love from NJ.
