Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Update #3: Wednesday 8Sep 12:05pm



The night shift reported no significant change to her mental status, still sleeping most of the time, but passing neuro checks when stimulated.

When we arrived, we felt a bit discouraged because she did not really respond to our voices or rubbing of her hands and feet—BUT THEN…

She had one of her intermittent lucid intervals which was so encouraging:

 - We covered the left eye (good one) and she was able to count fingers with just the right open (she held up the same number of fingers on her hand as we put in front of her eyes). ANSWER TO PRAYER.

- She is moving her lips and seems to desire to talk. Exciting.

- Jennifer clutched her chest and seemed to be trying to communicate something. So we put a pen in her hand and she was able to scribble out three letters (C-O-U…) which we were able to interpret as COUGH.  Got nursing to suction a lot of mucus out of the endotracheal tube.  Evidence of cognition and communication! ANSWER TO PRAYER.

The ICU Team and Trauma Teams round on Jennifer independently.  

The ICU Team is primary and they are the ones responsible for the ventilator management.  They have a couple of strategies for trying to get her to wake up more (medicines…I wanted to suggest espresso, but restrained myself).  We’ve been cautioned to continue with patience as an important strategy.  So we wait.  

I asked the Trauma Surgery Chief where Jennifer lays on the trajectory curve of similar head trauma patients and she said she is ahead of schedule.  It typically takes days for similarly traumatized patients to wake up.  That has been a great encouragement this morning.  We do see progress, but it is incremental.  

So…slow progress.

Prayer Requests for today:

  • Continuing healing in the brain
  • Incremental wakefulness
  • Weaning from the ventilator

Thank you to all who are praying and sending encouraging messages.  We have been FLOODED with notes of encouragement and prayers.  We read them all.  We treasure each one. We gratefully acknowledge our dependence on your prayers for Jennifer’s healing and recovery.  We look forward to the day when she will be able to read each one for herself.


  1. We are so excited to hear the progress and continue to pray for miracles from a miraculous God. We had homemade ice cream the night before we heard about the accident so had you all on our thoughts in general. We pray that we can have an ice cream and waffle celebration soon. I’m going to have Scott tell us we can for DINNER in celebration. In the meantime, we pray and wait with you. Oh, how the waiting must be so hard. Oh, how we can imagine the tears. Oh, how we miss you. Wish we could be there to make espresso for you, Scott. Lots of hugs from Team Ickes.

  2. We are so happy to read this news! Wow, even writing down her need to cough. That’s great! Thank you, Lord. Please keep it up!

  3. Thank you for the update, Scott. So very encouraging! Praise God! Continuing in prayer. Jan with Cush4Christ in Aweil East, South Sudan.

  4. So happy to hear of these encouraging steps! I have to admit I was thinking of espresso too :) I will be continuing to pray without ceasing that Jennifer will gain strength and be breathing well and up and about soon. Will also pray for you all to be at peace. Much love from NJ - Martha

  5. Constantly praying and so grateful for encouraging signs. Debbie Ferguson, Bethany’s mom

  6. This is so encouraging. Praying for all that you asked for and more - including your own peace in the midst of this storm.

  7. Scott, its so good to hear some of these good signs. Jill and I are praying multiple times a day for Jennifer, and all of you.

  8. So encouraging ...we are praying for you all, thanks for the updates Scott!

  9. Hi! I am a friend of Janie's who also know Ariana and David Shirk and we are praying with expectation! So encouraged to hear of the slow, incremental but REAL progress this day! My Bible Study group which includes Ariana's Aunt and Uncle here in CLT are also praying!

  10. Dear Scott and family in W. VA,
    Praying steadfastly for Jennifer and for all of you who are waiting and watching. Ruth and I are having dinner together tonight, and we will be sending our double strength prayers to you. May God hold Jennifer gently in His hand and return her to you and your children and her families in restored good health. Love, Judy in HMB

  11. Thanks for continuing to update us, Scott. Brooke and I have been praying for her quite a lot and are grateful to hear the positive news. Will be praying for full and fast recovery. Sending lots of love your way!

  12. Thanks for the update Scott - very encouraging. The Pfisters are praying from Nashville, Naperville and Kibuye.

  13. Am kind of relieved and i thank God that He is hearing the different voices of all crying out for mercy, healing and care we give Him the glory
    We continue thanking and at the same time crying out for complete healing, weaning from ventilator and we trust the spirit to continue doing His work
    I love you all and we continue praying

  14. Continuing to pray for Dr. Jennifer and all her loved ones... those who are able to be with her and those who must wait and hope and pray at a distance. I finished book 3 - A Forest, A Flood, and an Unlikely Star last night, praying and thanking God for all the ways He has used the gifts He has given you.
    Deborah in Canada

  15. Sandi Hoogland9/08/2021 11:03 AM

    Grateful for the encouragement this morning! Continuing to pray for healing and restoration for Jennifer as well as for peace, patience, and strength for you Scott. For wisdom for all those caring for her. Thank you for taking the time to post the updates.

  16. We and our entire team here in Spain are holding all of you up in prayer. Thank you for the updates Scott. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  17. Dear Dr Scott, Luke, Caleb, Julie and Jack.
    Remember this one thing about GOD our Father: First HE is a an everlasting Loving Father and HE is always on time to deliver HIS children:
    From the story of Lazarus, Mary said JESUS was four days late but interestingly even when JESUS appeared to be four days late HE was actually still on time.
    HE is on time to restore and completely heal mom!I am on my knees asking GOD to abide with you all and direct every aspect of care that Jennifer is getting.
    With lots of hope and trust in GOD
    Kule Isaiah

  18. Scott and family,
    We are praying for you continually from Fort Mill SC and also in our Living in Joy Bible Study group this morning and in the prayer meeting and weekly prayer list of Sovereign Grace in Charlotte, NC. Our God is a great God and the great King above all gods. May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in HOPE.
    Mark & Ellen

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Kathy Dawson9/08/2021 11:37 AM

    Dear Myhre Family, Just heard the news this morning from Josephine. Your church family at Sago is praying for you as well as many others in our church families throughout the state (Weston and Beckley for starters). God's grace, strength, healing, and comfort are the prayers being sent for each of you as you go through this in your own way. We just thank God for all the blessings that may seem small right now, but are very large in the overall picture. Even though it is difficult waiting, know that we are all praying for comfort for Jennifer and the family as she goes through this healing process. God is soooo good in the prayers that have been answered thus far and we will contine to pray for the small blessings that become those larger blessings as she fully recovers. We are here, if you need anything just let us know. With much Christian Love, Bruce & Kathy

  21. So thankful to hear this latest update. As I pray for Jennifer, I also pray for each one of your family by name, as I know her mother's heart is worried about all of you also as you walk this difficult time with her. Sending much love, Sue

  22. So glad to hear the progress. Continually lifting you all up in prayer. May you continue to see God's hand on Jennifer step by step.

  23. Scott—
    Thank you so much for the update! Praying God’s healing hand on Jennifer, wisdom for the medical team, and strength and comfort for you all as you wait. Sending our love, Sharon, Jon and family

  24. Tears in my eyes as I read this positive update! Continuing in prayer for Jennifer, for Scott, for all of your children and family, and for total healing as you wait in patience. May Jesus be so near, May our Great Physician be at work mightily. Love to all of you - Sarah crane

  25. We are praying all the time for healing for Jennifer--both at 415 Walnut with mom and with our team at New Growth Press. Praying for mercy for the Father of all mercies. Here is the verse we prayed today: "Yet I am poor and needy: may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer: O my God do not delay." Psalm 40:17 Barbara Juliani

  26. We pray daily for God's miraculous, complete healing of Jennifer in every way and for God to comfort you in your distress. Sharon and David Hall

  27. Dear Myhre family,
    Thank you for the updates. Continuing to pray for Dr. Jennifer and for all of you.

  28. I am so thankful for this update and will continue to pray for complete healing and God's provision for the rest of you while you wait. The Lord brings Jennifer to my mind all throughout the day.

  29. We are so grateful for this news! We have our Myhre candlesticks lit here in Naivasha, reminding us to pray for you continuously. We are reading Jennifer's books this month, so you have been on our minds every day, even before this. We are praying with hopefulness for gradual wakefulness and more communication and responsiveness. All our love, the Ickes Family

  30. I have a small group of senior women who pray twice a day, at 12 noon and 8:00 pm. Since reading of the accident yesterday, we have been interceding for Jennifer's complete and accelerated healing. I was so distraught yesterday and my prayer team has picked up my burden. So, we continue to pray for Dr. Scott and the family, individually and collectively.
    As African-American women living in the trauma and fray of daily life, trying to keep our own family and communities safe and thriving, is a major concern of ours. However, we do have a heart for Missionaries, especially those who give of themselves to help our African Brothers and Sisters. Thank you so much for all you do and all you give.
    So, we feel the least we can do is support you all with our small finances and prayers. Be encouraged because God has His people covering you with love and prayer.

  31. Oh Scott
    At a loss for wordsbut know you have the prayersof the Columbia Storvicks
    Mom. went to Harp and Healing last night special prayers for all of you
    I have spoken to my HP since I heard. I have a little angel that takes my special prayers right to the front of line
    Hugs to every one of you. Please deliver them all for me
    Love Kris and all the Storvicks

  32. I am Team Jennifer all the way! Thank you, Lord, that she was able to communicate something! It's a real challenge to know how to express yourself with an exhausted, injured brain and a tube in your throat, but she did it, and you knew what she needed. Thanking God for all who are present with her. She feels your love and care, I know.

  33. Scott and Family: we, the Greens from Grace, are lifting you all up in prayer. We are encouraged with your updates but I often find myself weeping at this trial you are enduring. We know the Savior gives us grace for the moment, and I pray that for you all constantly, including for Judy. Oh, for there to be no more sadness and pain.Come, Lord Jesus. We continue to pray and await your updates. Mark for all the Greens (and the Garbers and the Hsiehs)

  34. We are following the updates closely and praying for complete, miraculous healing in the name of Jesus. Thank you for taking the time to write updates. May God bring all of you comfort and peace as you wait on Him.

  35. Scott,

    I am praying for Jennifer's healing and for peace for you and the rest of your family. I'm so sorry that this has happened. I'm glad that there are some really encouraging things happening. Thank you for keeping us updated.


    Sandra Mayhew Raker

  36. Love and prayers from craig and Maria in Baltimore.

  37. Praise God for the encouraging progress. We are praying for you, Scott and Jennifer hourly. " The LORD God is our Sun and our Shield and He is our song. We look forward to the day we hear Jennifer is singing God's praises again.

  38. Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way! Miriam and Marv Hage

  39. Praise God for these signs of progress and healing! The kids and I have been praying for Jennifer together on the way to school every morning. Keep the updates coming!

  40. We went for a bike ride yesterday. Every pedal stroke was a prayer for Jennifer. When I was out of breath I chanted "Breathe, Jennifer, breathe". I am so encouraged to read the updates and will continue to offer prayers for healing and comfort for you all. Sheila Marty

  41. Dear Jennifer: " GOD has promised to keep you as the apple of HIS eye, this shows how precious and dear you are to HIM, surely GOD will deliver you from all the pain and faithful take you through the journey of complete
    Lots of love and prayers
    Isaiah Kule

  42. Alan & Sara Bouchard9/09/2021 6:38 AM

    Continuing to pray for you all!!

  43. Faith Christian Fellowship in Baltimore is praying for each of you as well as Jennifer's medical team. "Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted, but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:30,31
