Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Update #4: 8Sep 9:20pm EDT


Not much to report since the midday update.  

Jennifer continues to respond to the nurses as they perform hourly “neuro checks” - “Open your eyes; thumbs up; squeeze my hands; wiggle your toes; push your toes against my hands; pull your toes against my hands.  Ok thanks.”

And then there are the occasional spontaneous awakenings which we treasure.  This afternoon, while I was talking to my mom and sister, Jennifer suddenly woke up (meaning: she opens her left eye and looks around without moving anything else). I showed her my phone on FaceTime and she WAVED at Sonja and my mom on the phone (waving her hand—but not lifting her arm which is tied down to prevent her from removing her ET tube).

Afterwards as we again recounted the events of the past 48 hours to her…she grimaced as she processed the facts. Hard but good to see the processing.

Tonight she will undergo an MRI of the brain in an attempt to further understand what is going on inside her brain.  

Tomorrow we hope that there will be further improvements in her wakefulness which will allow her to fully breathe on her own and get off the ventilator.  Keep praying.


  1. Thank you for the time and energy necessary to update. Continuing to pray.

  2. Scott, so so grateful for the updates. Her name has been on my lips all last night and today. Love you all very much.

  3. What is that proverb? Slowly by slowly, the worm goes to the well, or something like that? Every centimeter of progress counts. Those neuro checks, and MRI's and ct scans, are the bread and butter of neuro recovery. Lord, be near to your servant. Allow Jennifer's soul to resonate with your love, even when her brain struggles to form coherent thoughts.

  4. Yes, I also pray what Sally prayed. Throughout the day and night here. Lord, be near.

  5. She is strong and can overcome anything.

  6. The Apels are continuing to pray! May God be near and show you tangibly His presence to all of you!

  7. Praying many times throughout the day from Santa Fe, NM. Praying for the Spirit to intercede and intervene.

  8. The Davis family continues to pray. Thank you for taking the time to write these updates.

  9. Praying from Chogoria. May the Lord be near to each of you and continue to show His faithfulness in big and small ways each day. Derek and Lauren

  10. Prayed morning, noon, and night today for Jennifer. Love the WAVE news. Marvelous!! Dear Lord, keep on doing your wonderful work in her - healing, calming, soothing, repairing. Thank you for all you’ve already done and all that you will do.

  11. Jennifer, Becky and I are holding you, Scott and the kids CLOSE TO OUR HEARTS, lifting you up to Jesus all throgh the day, praying for your wonderful med teams, obsessively checking the blog for updates (NO PRESSURE to post, but we do devour every scrap of good news!) so thanks so much for sharing! PRAYING FOR COMPLETE HEALING OF ALL DAMAGE IN EVERY PLACE, and we'll give Him all glory and praise! GREAT BIG ❤, Johnny & Becky

  12. We thank God for the progress that Mama Dr.Jennifer is making. Our God is faithful to all of us. And because we believe so, we shall continue praying for her to completely heal.
    To you Dr. Scott, thank you for continously keeping us updated. Through those updates we are able to see God's responses to the prayers that we are praying and we pray that the Almighty God keeps you strong.
    We shall continue praying.

  13. We thank God for the gift of healing that we are witnessing with Jennifer. We pray that she makes full recovery. Team Kenya remembers you and we send our love. Dr Ithondeka from Naivasha

  14. I have been praying over Jennifer and you all in every spare second. praising the Lord for how His faithfulness is showing and that He is proving to be the miracle worker we know Him to be. I hope that you all are feeling His nearness right now. Thank you for the continued updates… will continue to be praying.

  15. Thanks for the regular updates, Scott. So glad and thankful for all the encouraging news and that Jennifer is communicating as well and as much as she is. Thinking of and praying for you guys throughout the day and in the wakeful moments of the night.

  16. My dear brother: Laurie and I are praying without ceasing. Personally, I am reflecting on our precious times together in Bundibugyo and in Karamoja. You are special servants of Jesus are so loved by him and by countless other fellow pilgrims. We pray as we weep and are trusting Christ with you.

  17. Thank you Scott for the updates. Am praying throughout the day for a complete recovery for Jennifer. Peace for you both and your family as you wait on the Lord. Much love

  18. Praying for you! Thanks for the update!

  19. Encouraging news. Thanks Scott. Continuing to pray for Jennifer and all of you.

  20. Dear Myhres,
    The Elwood family is praying for you all during these difficult days. Pleas know we are standing with you.

    Thank you for the updates..

  21. The Loftuses are praying with you in Maryland.

  22. Get well lady Jennifer, you an amazing lady and truly you will overcome and bounce back to yor health, its possible yes is

  23. So, so many prayers being said on your behalf. Thanks so much for the updates, scott. Our thoughts are with you constantly. Xx

  24. Trusting the God of all Light to provide guidance, comfort, healing. Praying much for you Scott and Jennifer. Karl and Debbie Dortzbach

  25. Dear Scott, I've been breathing prayers from the moment i received the news. My heart was breaking and was feeling the shock from afar as i'm not in PA. Tracking with your updates and am encouraged by each finger wiggle, eye movement, hand wave that you report. Praying for you and the family as well. Much love, Karen

  26. We continue to pray God’s healing over Jennifer and peace and comfort for the rest of the fam! 💖. Kym and Susan
