Friday, September 10, 2021

Update#7: Friday 10Sep 11:00am

Jennifer greeted us this morning with a smile. Every day this week has been a small but significant improvement and today is no different. Yesterday we were mostly lip- reading the few words she mouthed, today she is whispering short sentences. Yesterday she took her first breaths on her own, today she is breathing steadily albeit quite shallowly on her own. Yesterday she was still in a collar, today she can roll her head to look out the window, and with great effort is sitting up in a chair!

We’ve come so far this week! But there’s still a marathon to go.

Nurses this morning are already talking about “when she get’s home,” but that feels infinitely far away right now. Three bites of yogurt was all she could handle. The respiratory therapist wants her to float the inspirator indicator about six inches high and she can barely make it flutter in the bottom of the tube. 

We’ve taken this whole week hour by hour, day by day, grateful for the present moment, praying for the next. Now we’re starting to face the mid-term logistical implications and it feels daunting.


  1. Praise the Lord!! Believing for His continued hand of power in her healing! ❤️

  2. Glory to God. We pray for continued recovery. Today's update is strengthening.

  3. That's wonderful!!!!. We give thanks to God for the "baby steps" towards complete healing.

  4. I am so filled with great Thanksgiving for all the steps forward, big & small, in her recovery. Praying daily and throughout the day for you both and your families. Praying for complete rest, quietness and trust in your merciful, full of steadfast love Abba.

    He will provide for you. It says in Psalm 32 that the Lord's STEADFAST LOVE SURROUNDS those who put their trust in Him. Praying you will have a very real and tangible knowing of that love for you both in the midst of this struggle.

    Much love,

  5. Sandi Hoogland9/10/2021 11:52 AM

    Continuing to pray for the hours and days ahead even while giving thanks for the miracles so far.

  6. Thank you for the updates. It will likely be a long road - sometimes with unexpected rest stops - but you will all grow in patience and reliance upon Jesus. God's purposes in Jennifer's life, in your life, in the lives of the rest of your family, will not be thwarted. Grief and lament can co-exist with perseverance and hope, and y'all have been practicing that for decades. Jennifer's words over many years have helped remind me of those truths. May the Spirit burrow them in new ways into your own hearts.

  7. Praise Jesus. Jennifer greeted you with a smile. Tears flow. Praise Jesus. Continuing to pray for healing from physical and emotional trauma. We love you so much. Hugs from team Ickes

  8. Thanks Dr Scott for keeping us posted with this great news; It's very encouraging to hear such great improvement.
    We are very grateful to GOD, and continue asking for HIS continued mercy and Love.

  9. Praising God with you for such progress! Sending love and many prayers from Burundi.

  10. Mid-term logistical implications...I can only imagine how daunting... I only know the tip of the iceberg of all that this impacts....weeping and praying... He is God and there is no other.

  11. Continuing to pray 🙏🏼 sending such love and grace.

  12. Bob and I are following along, so sorry about Jennifer's accident, and so grateful for the progress so far. Sending thoughts and prayers for more recovery on the road ahead.
    Irene Freeman
    Bob McDonald

  13. How many other people that this happens to have 1,000s of people watching and listening for around the world? What a platform for understand the fragility of life and how the meaning and direction of ones life can change in an instant.

  14. Elaine Mundfrom9/10/2021 6:00 PM

    So good to hear of Jennifer's daily progress! It is truly amazing!! She has improved hour by hour, day by day so hang in there. The future seems daunting but that too will unfold hour by hour, day by day. God is on His throne and will direct your path as it unfolds. Praise Him!!!

  15. Amazing progress!!! Thank you, King Jesus. Praying every day for continued strength. Are kids with you there?

  16. I have been praying for Jennifer daily since first hearing about her accident. After waiting several days for an update, I finally remembered your blog! (My cognitive tests aren't the most impressive even at the best of times!) After reading through your blogs, I am rejoicing over the progress that has been made and feel encouraged to expect even more. Having done palliative care for the past ten years, I resonate 100% with Jennifer's description of God's grace as "inscrutable" and "tangled"! I will continue reading your updates regularly, and they will inform my daily prayers for her. As I give thanks for her life and recovery, I will be praying especially for her right eye - no doubt for many weeks to come. Know that you both are loved and appreciated by many here in Kijabe. - Bob Carter
