Friday, September 10, 2021

Update #8: 10Sep 0945pm EDT

Friday evening.

Jennifer moved from bed to chair and back twice today.  To see her sitting in a chair feels like miraculous progress.  This afternoon we came in to her room after we grabbed a bite to eat in the hospital cafeteria and found her sitting with a styrofoam cup of coffee sitting on the tray in front of her.  

“Where’d you get that,” I said.  

“I asked for it.  They said what would it take to get you up and moving out of bed…I said a cup of coffee,” she said (in a raspy whisper).


We have repeatedly recounted the events of the week and it is slowly beginning to stick.  She’s comprehending that we have missed our Area Director Meetings (“That’s the whole reason we came to America.  Aren’t you calling in everyday or something?”).

The neurologist came by to talk to us and examine her again this afternoon.  He did an extensive neuro exam and the only abnormality he found was a slight discoordination of her fine hand movements (and, of course, the right eye movement problems).  He summarized the MRI results for us (mild sub-arachnoid hemorrhage, mild subdural, mild diffuse axonal injury in the right parietal lobe) which is otherwise distilled down to  the blanket diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).  He said, the most common long term sequelae are: headaches, insomnia, and balance difficulties.  He offered to have her follow-up in the WVU Neuroscience TBI Cohort Clinic.

From one update to the next, I can see the objective progress, but when she says, “Are you still filming the Girl Scouts?” it can be jarring.  And discouraging.  Her brain is still injured and it still hurts to hear the evidence of the injury impacting her ability to think and speak.

On our Bundibugyo Team, we have a family who we recruited for a long period of time.  They agonized whether they should take the risk of uprooting from a great job, community and church and come to Uganda.  And at some point we shared with them a message we heard at Julia’s church (Blacknall Pres) from Alan Poole as she graduated from  Duke.  He said, “Graduates, what you need now is Courage Not Clarity.” I’ve shared this with other potential missionaries and also most recently with our Bundibugyo Summer Interns. 

Ouch.  Yup, because what I want right now is CLARITY.  I want to know THE PLAN!  I want to know how this turns out.  Does Jennifer fully recover? Her balance, her strength, her cognitive brilliance, her ability to type, to write for this blog (!), to see without double vision…?  Do we return to Uganda?  

OK, so surrender the Clarity.  

What about Courage? 

Websters says this:  it is the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of grief or pain. 

Facing fear, grief, or pain (easier said than done). 

Joshua 1:9 says Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you whereever you go.

How do we face fear or grief?  With the knowledge that God is with us—whereever we are, in whatever circumstance. 

Lord, our eyes are on you


  1. Thank you for those words which are God's encouragement to me in the midst of a different set of trials... and to us all.
    Continuing to pray.

  2. Very powerful words, Scott. Thank you so much for taking time to share and to speak Truth to all of us. Yes, our eyes are on YOU Oh Lord. How wr want clarity, but Jesus please grant all if us courage. Continuing to pray and ask for full healing and will pray for great courage.

  3. Thank you for the Courage you are showing us now Scott ...a huge inspiration to us all and your family. Love you both and we are continuing to kneel on your behalf. Xx

  4. Thanks for sharing your joys and your fears. Praying for all of you. Thanks for the encouragement you both are. Love from NJ

  5. Thank you for the time and thought you put into these updates, Scott. Jennifer is not the only gifted writer in the family! It's good to be able to pray more specifically for you both. From a faithful Paradox reader P.S. Such a sweet picture!

  6. Continuing to pray for healing for Jennifer and peace and courage for all of you.

  7. Praying for courage, Scott - for you and Jennifer and all who love her and are waiting as you are for clarity as to what the future holds. Patience is so hard! We celebrate the progress made and the many answered prayers thus far this week. But we wait for full redemption and God making all things new. Thank you for sharing these updates with us - I'm very grateful to hear your heart and to glimpse through your eyes what it's like in that ICU room. Continuing to pray Psalm 46 for you all. Waiting with hope with you for the day when Jennifer herself will be able to share the P-L-A-N with us. May God grant courage for each step of the long marathon ahead.

  8. Faithful friends our hearts are with you. Thank you for your encouragement to share. We are praying for all of you. We appreciate the updates so we can pray for your clarity and courage and of course healing. Praying the Prince of peace rule in your hearts and minds.

  9. Dear Scott,
    Courage, not clarity. So true. Though we get glimpses of the broad expanse of God’s work in the kingdom and our parts to play in it, it seems like most of the time trusting Jesus means taking the next right step - just the one or two we can see by his grace in the moment. Walking with you in prayer. Thank you for your words about Robin. The goodness of God is indeed mysterious and inscrutable, yet we are held and surrounded by unfathomable love - vast, unmeasured, boundless and free. We are so grateful for the healing Jennifer has experienced so far, and we continue to pray for her complete recovery, strength for you and your kids, patience and comfort for Janie, Steve, Judy and all. Love, Susan and Lou

  10. Wow, what powerful words! Thank you for taking the time to write our your processing and thoughts and the updates from each day. Yes indeed, our eyes are on you, Lord. Waiting with anticipation to see more miracles of healing to come and trusting in the One who gives us courage before we have the clarity to know what’s to come. Much Love, Theresa and Will

  11. Scott, I want you to know that when I cry out Jennifer’s name to the Lord, I cry out yours, too. So much love to you BOTH.

  12. The meetings here have been filled with prayer for you both, often with tears. You are loved and missed for your faith, sacrifice and courage. We will continue to pray, rejoice in progress, and stand with you as God’s Grace and love unfold - Josiah

  13. America was more dangerous than Uganda! It’s so good to hear this. Paul and Jill

  14. We prayed for you and Jennifer at small group and you have told us how the Lord has responded. We rejoice and continue to seek him with you. Epedori Akuj! God is able!

  15. We give God the glory for the significant improvements made.

    God thank you

  16. Dear Scott and Jennifer, Although we've never met you, we feel a bit like we know you. We're friends of Susan and Lou Nop in Middlebury, VT. Susan gifted us with "A Boy, a Chameleon, and a Quest," which I read to our four daughters last year. And then we had to get the next 3 Rwendigo tales! Jennifer's soul-stirring stories were our companions for much of the fall/winter of 2020-21 -- a time when it seemed that all the world needed "courage, not clarity." We feel a great sense of gratitude for both of you and your work (in one of those small world things, we were also acquaintances/supporters of Travis and Amy Johnson, so we knew about you from them as well). Our whole family was heartbroken to hear about Jennifer's accident, and we've rejoiced with every report of progress. Please know that we are praying for you both, and your entire extended family as you navigate this time of uncertainty and challenge. May you feel the God of peace walking alongside you. In Him, Faith Gong and family

  17. “That’s the whole reason we came to America. Aren’t you calling in everyday or something?” Sounds like the Jennifer we love! : ) Oh, Myhres, may God continually fill you with courage.

  18. You are in my heart. Thank you for sharing this courageous journey with us!

  19. Praying for each of you today to know that you are seen, you are held, in this very moment by the loving triune God. In the words of Curt Thompson, may you see God seeing you, seeking you.

  20. So grateful for these updates Scott. And clearly, Jennifer's not the only writer in the family! Thank you. Courage not clarity -- yes. Praying still. (Sha & Chase)

  21. We love you so much, Myhres. Hugs from team Ickes

  22. Kathy Dawson9/11/2021 9:23 AM

    Scott, These updates are music to our ears. We are so thankful and blessed by God's giving grace and blessings. We don't know the plan, but he does. So thankful that you are trusting God through this journey because where would we be without Him? Though you are going through these tough times, he will bring you out of them stronger... just like He did in the past through the stories you shared with us. Praying for strength and courage for the entire family as you all continue to heal during this stepping-stone in your life. This reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:..3:10 I have seen the travail which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it. 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end" And so, this is where we are. Not knowing, but wanting to know. May you continue to feel the prayers throughout the days ahead from all your christian family and friends as we all await for the glorious blessings of continued good news. - Kathy

  23. You are always in my thoughts! Praying for Dr Jennifer and courage! Ogume mutima!

  24. Mark 8:22ff - Jesus in Bethsaida
    And they came to Bethsaida. And some people brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him. And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.

    "Lord Jesus, with your gifts and guidance, Jennifer's physicians have done all they can do. Now would you touch her head and finish that blessed work? We ask this for you glory, her good, and all our joy! Amen."

  25. A favourite quote that has brought me through some hard times:
    "Courage is not just the ability to bear hard things, but the ability in bearing them to turn them into glory." (Barclay).

    Your honest lament and keeping your eyes on God are already turning this truly hard thing into glory. Courage, dear hearts.


  26. God always manifests himself more so when we feel we are at the edge and all we can do is to keep our eyes fixed on Him
    Continuing to pray

  27. Dear Scott,

    Thank you so much for sharing Jennifer's progress and more importantly, your heart. It helps us to pray more specifically.

    5 days post trauma

    Jennifer's progress: extubated, breathing on her own, getting in and out of bed, sitting in a chair, negotiating a deal for coffee, verbalizing her executive functioning thoughts...! These are amazing accomplishments!

    We'll continue to pray for courage in the midst of this lack of clarity.

    My dad said some odd things in the early weeks of his TBI experience as he was coming back into real time. It does get better. I promise.

  28. Thank you for the updates. We continue to pray for full recovery. With long life, God will satisfy you.
    Bob and Lilian Okeyo.

  29. We are intimately acquainted with TBI and the befuddling dance of recovery with it. You are on our minds, and we are reading, watching, and praying for healing and courage flowing from the strong and tender care of Jesus for each of you. - Sarah and Doug Haus

  30. Sorry to read this Dr Scott!
    I am grateful for the noticeable improvements.
    I will continue praying for progressive and complete neurocognitive recovery.
    Thanks for caring, keep the faith no matter what in the mighty physician, Jesus Christ.
