Monday, October 25, 2021

mid-week bonus

On 9/11, five days after Jennifer's accident, one of the former teachers of our kids in Bundibugyo (Michelle Lee) sent me a link to a song which she and her kids learned at a YoungLives camp last summer.  I wept while listening to this song over and over and over...

Take a couple of minutes and listen to this beautiful song HERE...

Jennifer has been playing this on the piano this week --which is a spine-tingling experience.


  1. Thank you for this gift... the unexpected post... the beautiful truth of this song... and the God that gives the gifts that would allow Jennifer to play this.


  2. Wow, thank you for introducing us to this song. I have loved it running through my head for the last several days.
    All of your amazing Sergers here continue to pray for you. So glad to hear of continual progress and answered prayers.
