Saturday, October 23, 2021

Who needs a walker?

We continue to thank God for Jennifer's progress.

This week:

1.  We moved back up to our bedroom upstairs.  Jennifer is navigating the stairs confidently-but does hold on to the railing going each way.

2. We moved out the upright piano we inherited from Jennifer's mother (dozens of keys had stopped working) and brought in a digital piano (with weighted, hammer-style key feel).  So, Jennifer is playing the piano again.  

3. Her diarrhea is slowly improving.  Not yet gone, but less than last week.

4. She is doing some reading without her eye patch.  With a lot of effort, she can bring the double vision into single focus. She spends a few hours a day without the patch, trying to get more minutes of conjugate (non-double) vision.  We head back to WVU Eye Center on Friday for her second (monthly) ophthalmology follow-up appointment.  Don't expect much in terms of treatment, just getting some more data on her curve of recovery.

5. She's routinely walking a couple of miles a day, sometimes on the gravel road and sometimes up through our woods.  Yesterday, I took all of the disability equipment (a wheelchair, a walker, and a tub bench) to GoodWill for donation --hopefully, someone else will find those things useful which we no longer need.

Just a shout out to the Africa Area Regional Supervisor and Team Leaders who have picked up every ball which we dropped in September.  Life marches on without us and it's fantastic to see people step into the gap without needing to be asked. I am slowly beginning to reconnect with our Africa-based Serge leaders, but every conversation I have with them reveals what capable leaders we have.


  1. EXCITING! What a joy to be back in your own bedroom and not in the "invalid" area. :D Are you surrounded in fall colors on your walk? It's been a great year for color in the PNW. Happy Happy Happy that things are looking as good as they are. While you enjoy more audio books, if you have never listened to Circe by Madeline Miller I highly recommend it. It is best with headphones so you can appreciate the narrators smooth poetic reading of the text. Second rec is Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, I bet you've read it but his narration is amazing.
    Thank you for your updates!

  2. What a treat to have both this and a Serge email update the same day!
    Continuing to pray...for elimination issues, eyesight, encouragement and contentment in the waiting... for protection for your relationship... to our great God who knows and sees and loves.

  3. So thankful for this progress! Will continue praying for each day to bring you some joy.

  4. Great news!!! Love hearing about the progress, but by bit! I second both of Jill’s audiobook recommendations! Both so good!

  5. Glad to hear of the good progress. Continuing to pray for Dr. Jennifer.
