Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Be that one leper


As Jennifer and I have entered Thanksgiving week, we have been inspired by the season to be in touch with those who helped save her life 11-plus weeks ago. We know how rare and meaningful it is to see the patient who was nearly dead, now able to walk and speak words of appreciation. So in the last week, we visited both the Emergency Medical Services crew (ambulance) and the Helicopter crew that were called to Sago Road on Labor Day. Thanks to West Virginia small town spirit and can-do, she also was connected by phone to two of the passers-by who stopped and called 911 and waited with her on the road. Without exception, each vividly remembered the day, the injury, the severity. And each expressed thankfulness to God to see her alive and nearly well. 

We listened to a Trinity Forum ( presentation over the weekend on Gratitude and the presenter challenged us to be thankful “to” (someone) this Thanksgiving rather than our traditional habit of being thankful “for” (some thing). This Thanksgiving we have a long list of those TO WHOM we express our thanks:
-to the kind drivers who saw Jennifer lying on the road and stopped to help and didn’t run away from the blood and sorrow
-to the skilled and faithful people who were doing holiday duty and responded to the 911 call
-to our organization (Serge) that provides for us and allows us time to heal, and colleagues who stepped into the gap to take up our work
-to those who mobilised prayer and communicated love - and to those who prayed
-to all in our family who came to be with and support us
-and to God who has been our Rock and Refuge.

Gratitude in the midst of grief has been our theme this month. That is true of life every month, but our cups are especially overflowing with both this month.

Thankful for all of you who follow, read and pray. Happy Thanksgiving.  


  1. How gracious of you to thank the emergency personnel! I know that you know how difficult their jobs are as you have been faced with such trauma in your medical ministry. Paul and I are so thankful for all of the healing thus far, for your honesty in sharing the struggles and the lessons, and for your friendship over the years. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy belated Birthday Scott!

  2. Thank you for sharing these uplifting words! Blessings to you all today.

  3. This was wonderful to hear... your example is a blessing...and God's providential hand in all this...
    Always so thankful when I check Paradox Uganda and find a new entry!

  4. Linda Chisholm11/30/2021 2:41 PM

    While this is out first official post, we have been reading and praying for you along this arduous journey! You are an inspiration and we praise God for his healing this far and trust Him to bring you the rest of the way. Many thanks for his love and power. Blessings to you both. And a belated birthday wish for Scott!
