Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Advent Resources 2021

 What is Advent? Definition & Meaning Behind Christmas Tradition

What we're reading devotionally this December...

1.Our Favorite...the online Advent devotional series put out every year by Biola University.  This year they are focusing on the Christmas Canticles (you must go to the devotions to learn what that means)...it is an amazing combination of visual art, music, poetry and devotional reflection. We look forward to this every year--and here's a bonus--they have a series for Lent too!

Here's the link


2. Second fav, is a book by Scott Erikson called Honest Advent.

There's a Kindle version available on Amazon HERE.

A poignant quote from one of the early devotions...

May you receive the light of divine annunciation in the flames of your best-laid plans.

3. And last, an Advent devotional from Kate Bowler (author of No Cure for Being Human)

Download from her website for free HERE.

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