Sunday, September 12, 2021

Update #10: 12Sep 8pm

 Another day of progress.

We arrived to find her more alert and more articulate than yesterday.  The words flowed freely and smoothly throughout the morning.

Quotes of the day.

We came in after she requested the nurse to come in and help her toilet in the bedside commode.

“I told my nurse that my youngest son is 23 years old. It’s seems to have been a 23 year pause between the major indignities. I thought I was done with such indignities but I just took a 23 year pause.” (Needing help to go potty seems to feel like a major humiliation).

Reacting to the news of Biden mandating vaccination for all companies with 100 employees or more— Jennifer said, “Public Health and Personal Choice are often at odds.  And Americans have a hard time when their personal freedoms are limited — but they will agree to it to prevent people from driving drunk or driving 150 mph…”

Caleb said, “I think she’s ready to go home.”

I gave her my iPad and she typed The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Dog (slowly with a lot of typos- but the autocorrect fixed ‘em).

She stayed awake for about 6 hours today and felt completely exhausted by the dinner time—but that amount of awake time is also a huge piece of progress.

The Chief Trauma Surgeon came is and talked at length about her progress, her prognosis, and the hurdles ahead.  We have a lot of rehab ahead which she warned will generate frustration and anger.  We just need to give her time and space. 

So, tomorrow—potentially—she could be discharged from this the University Hospital to an inpatient rehab facility.  Pray for that.


  1. Such wonderful news! Thank you for sharing! Love from Durham

  2. Thank you! Praying for God's perfect rehab placement... and for the Spirit to be present making the anger and frustration productive. I am going to finish book #4 of the Rwendigo Tales Book Series tonight and I am sad...


  3. Thank you Scott for keeping us updated. She is dearly loved by more folks than you probably realize. Knowing how to pray is so helpful.

  4. Thanking the Lord for the progress. Asking the Father to take her to the best rehab facility and PT available. Dan & Gini

  5. Thanks so much for the updates. Prayers for the days ahead. Also my Maasai friend Karsis, who has often been on Peds ward at KH and remembers Dr Jennifer, wanted you all to know the she is praying.

  6. Hallelujah! Praying with much hope and expectation! 🤩

  7. Sandi Hoogland9/12/2021 6:53 PM

    Grateful for the progress, and for your updates. Continuing to pray for the long journey ahead for all of you. We included you in our prayers at the Lawndale (virtual) provider meeting Wednesday evening.

  8. Thank you so much for the updates. We are so thankful piece of good news. We are praying you back Jennifer. Sheila and Bill Marty

  9. So thankful to see the progress! We love you Jennifer and Scott! Prayers continue!
    Hythem and Beth

  10. Continuing to pray for healing and progress and patience. Blessings on you all.

  11. Fantastic to read this but yes a hard road ahead ….walking with you all the way ...even if from a distance and mostly on our knees!

  12. Great news!!! Glory back to God praying for good rehab and heart of perseverance in upcoming sessions
    The one we believe will continue doing His work

  13. Wonderful news. Congratulations to jennifer for her stamina and excellent conditioning, which I am certain played a role in her amazing recovery sprint into rehab, and Praises to the Lord for incredible blessings. I pray fervently that the road to recovery will ultimately reach the destination of Jennifer's complete return to her former self in every way. Much love to all the family with you in Morgantown and elsewhere, Judy in HMb

  14. So so so glad! Jennifer, glad you are recovering so you can continue to show your family that you’re right and they’re wrong. :) We miss you and love you a ton. Tell my husband that once you go home, the Ickes family can have ice cream and waffles for dinner. ;)

  15. What an amazing report, Scott! God is good and we rejoice in him.

  16. Yes and amen! Hallilujah! Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thank you for your great healing work. We pray now for more of you and complete healing in the days ahead. Restore Jennifer completely for Your glory and Your Kingdom’s sake where you have called her to serve.

  17. Praise God- Fantastic progress report! Seeing number patterns- been watching for those in your updates. Surely sequence is the sixth vital sign for Jennifer.

  18. Thank you so much for letting us know how you all are doing and how we should keep praying ❤️ We love y'all so much.

  19. Barbara Ryan9/13/2021 11:07 AM

    Skip and I are rejoicing that Jennifer's wit and wisdom (and astonishing memory) were protected in this very unfortunate accident. I suppose if you have to go head over heels and sustain a TBI, it was better that it happen here in the States than in Bundi. We are just sad it had to happen at all. There is an adage that every doctor should be a patient once or twice as it will add such value to their ministry. Well, this is it for Jennifer. NO more being a patient for you!

    Will continue to pray for sight, and balance, and dexterity to return and for patience with the process! Much love to all Myhre folks!

    Barbara and Skip Ryan Arlington, VA.

  20. So glad to hear of continued improvement. We will pray for her to be discharged soon and for stamina in the road ahead of rehab!

  21. Rejoicing with all of you over these great strides! Thank you for the humor, too :)
    Will be praying for a good transition to the rehab facility, continued recovery, and peaceful hearts.
    Love from NJ, Martha

  22. Praising the Lord for His Faithfulness and His healing hand in Jennifer's life. I am listening to a song many times a day...There is "Another One in the Fire" ... She will never be alone with the One with her in this fire....there is no other name that is the Name of Jesus....praying this for Jennifer this day and the days going forward!
