Saturday, September 11, 2021

Update 9: 11 Sep 9:45pm EDt

     Today’s schedule: 

  • Breakfast - 3 bites of scrambled eggs, 3 spoons of yogurt
  • Sleep
  • Eval by Speech and Swallowing Therapist because of choking episode yesterday.  Result: supposed to thicken all liquids to be more viscous to prevent aspiration
  • Sleep
  • Lunch - 3 spoons of yogurt, one bite of graham cracker (Me: you have to eat to get stronger.  Jennifer: I’m not hungry.  I feel like I got run over by a train).
  • Sleep
  • Neighbor delivering clothes for Jennifer
  • Sleep
  • Visit from the Hyltons
  • Sleep
  • Dinner - delivery and assistance to occur after visiting hours by nursing—so no idea if any bites taken.

The Hyltons buoyed our spirits dramatically.  We heard the highlights of the week’s meetings which we so unexpectedly missed.

They were getting ready to leave and Jennifer said “Wait, I want to see a picture of Emily’s baby, your first grandchild.”  Nice.

After they left, I was filling out the details of our relationship with the Hyltons (Area Director colleagues for many years) to Caleb.  I mentioned that their youngest daughter, Abby, is just a couple of years older than Luke.

Jennifer, who we thought was fast asleep, opened her left eye and corrected me matter-of-factly, “Elizabeth is their youngest.”  And then rolled over and went back to sleep. (I fact checked with the Hyltons and, of course, Jennifer is correct).

Hooray.  Jennifer is back.

(Note- in light of Jennifer’s transfer out of ICU, there is much less data/info to communicate.  So we are moving to once-a-day updates only… and probably slightly less frequent than that in the near future).


  1. Thank you! Wonderful progress...continuing to pray to the "Dear and Glorious Physician"


  2. Excellent report Scott! Sounds like Jennifer is improving each day! Sending lots of love.

  3. So glad that Cindy and Joel could visit with you! And yay for transfer out of ICU!

  4. I love this so much!! She’s got those Hylton daughters down!

  5. We love the updates. Keep them coming as you are able, until there is nothing more we should pray for! Rejoicing and beseeching on Jennifer's behalf!

  6. Praising the Lord for her continual healing! Praying for peace and patience as you walk this road.

  7. Thank you, Scott! Will be praying for greater appetite! So thankful to hear this update! Thankful for ICU discharge! With you both in our hearts and prayers!

  8. This is the perfect way to end this week. I love y’all so much and continue to pray for you and bring in the army from here to do the same, especially tomorrow at church. . I am so thankful for Jennifer’s progress and will continue to pray for strength and courage for all of you Myhres. You’ve never been far from my heart and you are especially near now!

  9. Love this picture, and I'm so happy you had special visitors today. Continuing to pray for strengthening of body and soul.

  10. We thank God for the progress made.

    May the Almighty God be glorified.

  11. Hooray.......I am so thrilled we joy!
    We can grasp the reality that the brilliant, hard working consultant paediatrician is getting ready for mission.
    We are privileged, once again to be mentored by a well seasoned consultant paediatrician.
    GOD is indeed Great!
    Kule Isaiah

  12. Thanks for taking the time to update us and for the details and even a bit of humor! Of course Jennifer remembers people's kids- as she has ours and so many others. ❤ Thankful for your friendship and will be praying the Lord's richest blessings for all of you. Love, in Christ,Martha

  13. Yay for a visit from the Hyltons. We are holding Jennifer and the rest of you in prayer. -The Syvertsens

  14. Thank you God for this progress

  15. We learned of the accident through our daughter, Rachel Hawkins (now Frey). Knowing how important you and your family have been to her, we jumped to support you in intercession.

    Now - how beautiful of our Father God to be hearing and answering on behalf of progress toward Jennifer's whole healing. Hallelujah!

    Scott & Jenny Hawkins, Durham

  16. Thank you so much for the update! Praying and rejoicing at progress!

  17. Thank you for the update, we know your time is precious

  18. Love hearing of Jennifer’s peccadilloes 😍…the knowing of “she’s back”

  19. What an encouraging update; “Jennifer is back!” Continuing in prayer.

  20. Scott, our thoughts, love and prayer continues.
    Please tell Jennifer ( and Caleb too! ) I said Hello. Christie

  21. Love this!! 🙌 So grateful for the continued progress! Thanks so much for the updates. Continuing to pray!
