Our vision: Basic, essential, appropriate medical care for mothers and children living in the vicinity of World Harvest Mission – Bundibuygo.
Three years ago, we decided that a prerequisite to achieving this vision (in addition to the arrival of Dr. Jonah!), is a more spacious (clean!!) building—and the Combined Pediatric-Maternity Building concept was born.
Our template: a neurosurgical ward of the CURE Hospital in Mbale, Uganda where we send many of our hydrocephalic patients. We visited this facility about two years ago, got the blueprints, and began to modify for our context (expanded to ~3000 sq. ft.)
Two generous donors combined to give ~$63,000….our estimate to complete the building (including furniture and solar electricity).
Our Problem: Call it poor planning, if you like….mostly it is a lack of experience building on this scale. Additionally, we decided to splurge on a beautiful industrial-strength porcelain tile floor which pushed the costs far beyond our original estimates. What the locals are saying (according to one of the elders)…“This is the nicest building in the district. We’re sure glad Dr. Scott is building it...if our local contractors built it, all that money would have been ‘eaten’…"
Bottom line….we’ve shot our wad of $63,000 and have the following phases yet unfinished:
1. Windows: screened with glass louvers (estim $1400)
2. Doors: interior/exterior (estim $830)
3. Final painting: (estim $900)
4. Verandah: (estim $1500)
5. Plumbing (sinks/elevated water tank/water lines/etc): (estim $2300)
6. Basic furnishings: beds (~35), desks, chairs, cupboards, shelves, trolleys (estim $ 4000)
7. Solar Photovoltaic Electric system (estim ~$8,000)
TOTAL NEED: $18,930
If you are interested, let us know by e-mail (drsmyhre@yahoo.com) We would like to keep the momentum of construction moving ahead.
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