Twas the Thanksgiving Season of 2006
When the Bundibugyo Team found themselves in a fix.
Clouds hung o’re their valley, rain ru-ined their fun,
In vain they waited for glimpses of sun.
No power, no road, no dry clothes, no food:
The incessant drizzle frazzled their mood.
Mud coated their legs, frogs thrived in their shoes,
Fungus, boils and flies plagued them with the blues.
When up on the calendar there arose a celebration
Devoted to thanks, in spite of the situation.
To their kitchens they flew to sift, stir, and dash,
Creating dishes worthy of a Thanksgiving bash.
Their leader Doctor Scott, with his usual skill
Slaughtered and plucked a tur-key for the grill.
More hungry than pigs to the Pierces they came,
And Scott merrily greeted each one by name:
“On Myhres and Massos, on Pierces and Barts!
Stephanie Carol Kim Amy Pat Pamela Josh Scott!”
As he called through the door the whole team appeared,
Four families with children and eight singles held dear.
“To the tables come one! To the feasting come all!
We’ll refresh and regroup and press on past this wall.”
So down to the banquet each team member did sit
Devouring turkey and pie, they left not one bit.
And then, in a twinkling, they stormed back out the door
Strengthened with power from on high they would soar.
Karen, how she sparkled, with spreadsheets and goats
And art projects and preschool in this place so remote.
Michael’s bearded chin indicated he was wise
>From flow rates to futurology he could all analyze.
A hundred children? No problem for loving Annelise
She’d tell stories of Jesus and all would be pleased.
Advanced math and batteries give David no pause
Though ‘banker’ must have been hidden in the fine print clause.
Kevin’s ready to preach, teach, raise funds, balance books,
Holding Christ School together is even harder than it looks.
He needs JD, who had twins in her belly,
But now manages teachers between diapers so smelly.
Stephanie just arrived but she’s already raised money
Have you tasted her recipe of g-nuts and honey?
’No problem’ –Carol bodas to track down sick babies:
Intern, teacher, researcher, we hope she’ll come back maybe?
Reading, writing, and Spanish; basketball, Bible studies,
Miss Kim devotes herself to serve everybody.
Teaching science and history while learning Lubwisi
Miss Amy’s joyful endeavors make it all look easy.
Pat loves the wounded, the sick and the poor,
Even when Monday shouts at her door.
Zipping by on the picky, Pamela’s out everywhere,
To TBAs and health centers organizing better care.
Josh resurrects computers, fixes bikes, plays guitar
And bushwacks to water projects near and far.
Master Scotticus, though new, shows no signs of fainting
Tackling French, biology, biking, even filming and painting.
Scott winked his eye as he nodded his head
The security risk was low: they had nothing to dread.
In spite of the rain, they could get back to their work:
Sixteen adults, thirteen kids, not one single jerk.
So refraining from publicly picking his nose,
Scott prayed for them all as from dinner he rose.
He sprang to his Land-Rover, called the team with a whistle,
Away they all slid to continue their Ugandan epistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
“God’s Kingdom is coming! Don’t give up the fight!”
How I miss you all! Thank you for keeping us updated with the blog, and especially the great thanksgiving poem. You are in my prayers!
What a charming poem--a fun description of the day! Thanks for all the care you take of our family there.
Elizabeth (Annelise's mom)
You always put things in perspective, Thanksgiving is really about giving thanks in all circumstances and your wonderful family celebration puts many of our to shame !!! I am printing your poem to put on my refrigerater to remind me daily through this hectic season to be thankful in all things. My son Josh is truely blessed to be a part of your team. Mo
What an amazing poem! What a fun tribute to the holiday and to your team. I found your blog through the Pierce's (we knew them in Annapolis). May God bless you richly!
Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving with us so well! God Bless You all.
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