This evening was wonderful. 21 teenage girls got to eat their
favorite foods, with seconds and sodas and prayer and games (after a
short lecture on being humble as they went back so we would all avoid
arousing jealousy). Julia got to giggle with friends and welcome them to her home. Acacia got the special attention of authentic goodbyes. I got to sit in a circle of girls who were just being girls, watch them drop their guards as they participated in a charades-like game,
and watch Julia and Acacia cross cultures in a free way that is more
difficult for us adults. And give back a little of the grace that others are extending to Luke as he boards . . . through his eyes I can now appreciate the tremendously valuable life boost an evening like this can provide. Ashley got the satisfaction of giving her team a
treat after their months of practice.
A very different party from last night, but fun all the same. I am
grateful, knowing we do not deserve the miracle of two authentic
Isaiah 25 celebrations in a row, but still hoping for the triple hit
1 comment:
So happy that Julia got her party...I was praying for this! Can't wait to hear the reports of the next party!
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