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Saturday, December 21, 2013

On the first day of Christmas . . .

My God gave to me . . .

The FIRST GRADUATE from the post-ebola outpouring of funds to sponsor doctors in the wake of the loss of Dr. Jonah Kule.  Dr. Ammon Bwambale, a dear friend and man of God.
Two happy Myhres .. . Julia cutting the celebration pie made for Scott's happy news of passing his boards.  

Three tuneful carolers . . there were actually more but I felt awkward trying to photograph.  We went caroling on the Paeds ward one evening this week.  When we got to the Hark the Herald line that says "Light and life, to all He brings, risen with healing in his wings . . ", well, you have to cry or believe.  This is the place to sing that, with boldness or with trembling.  Much healing needed.  

Four strands of tree lights . . . Chinese imports to Uganda a couple years ago, that were wildly hypnotic and celebrated our first year with electricity from the grid.  I plugged them in this year and 2 of the 4 went POP!  SMOKE!  Severed the cord and blacked out the lights.  Frightening.  At least two still work.

Luke is home!  Here he is by a lovely little tree we thought about harvesting, but it seemed illegal, probably planted by someone.  Instead we were able to cut our own tree in our yard this year.  We planted a row of them a couple years ago for this very purpose.  OK it is a bit spindly and sparse, but environmentally friendly to plant and harvest your own, right?  Here we are from start to finish:

And many other wonders of christmas, including:

Julia making a chocolate raspberry cake from a cousin's recipe

Starting on our annual puzzle, compliments of the Schubert family

Maternity Department winning the hospital's quality improvement honor!

The Christmas Tree on the Paeds ward always cheers me.

Great colleagues.

So thankful for visitors. This is Dr. Tina from NC.  Thanks to help, I've been able to bake and spend time with my kids!

Friends from Kijabe for a Christmas meal which must include chapatis and grilled meat and laughter and thankfulness for these people . . 

Lisa with shoes that light up and match the tree.  Made me happy.

And last, just for fun, a twin-yolk egg.  I have cracked thousands.  First time to find one.  Luke looked it up and the frequency is 0.3%.  Must be a good sign for the season.

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