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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Article Honoring Dr. Jonah

John Spangler’s article is now up on the web:
We are thankful for those who join with us in recognizing his sacrifice.


MISTY said...

It is with a heavy heart that I send my sincere condolences for Dr. Jonah's family, although that will do little to reduce the pain his death has caused. But maybe somehow his family knowing that people around the world honor and respect him for the sacrifice that he made to better his world will confort them in a small degree.There are not words to express the gratitud that i feel for your entire team. I feel like i know each of you personally from fallowing the daily blogs and the website. Your work is so vital and i know that us in other parts of the world can't possibly understand the intense stress you all cope with every day, but please know that we recognize that the world is a better place because of your team. Dr. Jonah's family and all the rest of the families making the ultimate sacrifice so that others may have a beter chance in life, you have my deepest gratitud. To Dr. Jonah's family and all the other's that have lost loved ones to this horrific desease : please recive the love we send from the U.S. and remember that we all are awaiting the day when our worst enemy, death, will be no more,neither will sorrow or outcry or pain, for the former things will have passed away..." -Rev 21:4 May his family take confort in knowing that God will wipe away the tears from every face(Isaiah 25:8) and await the day that Dr. Jonah and all the others that are in God's memory rise to a clean, perfect earth.Forever- Psalms 37:29

Anonymous said...

I am currently working in mbarara with Larry Pepper and wanted to send my support to all of you working out there. Take care
Jane Cunningham